I’ve been editing the first book, as a result of the workshop and some reading of other authors. I decided it needed a more punchy opening, not the purely descriptive way it started before. I’ve also expanded some areas and retold some areas that I’d originally done in flashback, and added an extra incident which I rather enjoy! I think it’s nearly ready for its Kindle edition, and I’m started working on some chapter illustrations.
The first chapter is headed by a sketch of Castle Marsh, which you can see in the pages “Sample Chapters”. It’s definitely easier to do some of the buildings and settings than the ones which really require interiors. Especially as I really need landscape format for chapter headings, and lots of the interior ideas are better suited to portrait style. A further problem is that I feel I need to avoid making the characters explicitly guinea pigs. That decision requires advice.
This is the Inn of the Seventh Happiness:
I also sent an idea off to an illustrator for the cover picture. I hope she takes the commission on as I admire her work hugely!