I’m struggling with the course as well, but this week’s homework for the Creative Writing Course is to take the name of an old boyfriend or similar, and write a 300 word piece of prose using only words made out of the letters of his name. All the names I could remember were equally unhelpful.  I’ve cheated slightly by using an alternative spelling for Alisdair.  That at least gives me  d but no e is a pain. If I gave him the middle name Henry it would be a piece of cake. K would be useful too.

It’s an existential sort of piece. Half way through this is what I’ve got…

Tasmania:  land in romantic mist.  An island coast has marsh laid on machair. Iris stands, a mast amid lochans.  Rain is normal.

Canada: morain cast on land, tors inlaid. Chart a road to roam larch and ash.  A snail doth cross soil as thin as silica.

Match Canada and Tasmania. I sail north on oath to claim this clan manor. I am as man to child.  Laird. Lord.  No choir to hail this act, so romantic as it soars in air as mithril mist. I miss this Carmina.

Toil in loam to stir chard, raisins, almonds and corn. Roast clam and chilli. Toss salad and castor oil. Drain and hand dish to stomach.


Storm rains silt across tarmac. Slams hail into roadman.  Cast oaths at satanic trail of trash.  Calm can’t harm the storm’s lash. No match, alas.


Tis Christmas:  Carols charm most actors. Radio masts cross lands.  Clans chat, sat at Canasta, or match cards.

As time goes on it does seem to take on more sense.  Maybe it’ll turn out ok.  I’ll keep working on it.

Having trouble with my homework

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