A special alert to tell you about Dylan and Dougall,  who are starring in a Yuletide story on the official website (princelings.co.uk) starting tomorrow.  These boys are the Princelings of the North, and are set to have their first full length story published in about 2014!

It’s a mystery adventure involving disappearing strawberry juice, which leaves Castle Haunn with no power – vital at this time of the year.  Dylan is dispatched to send messages to Buckmore for help, and stumbles on a secret on the way home.  You’ll be pleased to hear that it’s none other than George who comes to their rescue!

So click the button top right tomorrow, Friday and Sunday to read their Yuletide adventure.  Dylan will be here on Monday to tell us about the customs and normal events at Yuletide at his home, Castle Haunn.

Dylan’s Yuletide story on the website
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