This week’s haiku celebrates the publication of The Talent Seekers. It should be online and available for purchase on Thursday!
Cause distrust and banishment.
White Horse seeks talent.
The WordPress Family Award
The Rules
- Display the award logo on your blog.√
- Link back to the person who nominated you.√
- Nominate 10 others you see as having an impact on your WordPress experience and family.√
- Let your 10 Family members know you have awarded them.√
Here, in no particular order, are my nominees. This was difficult since Julie also nominated most of those I would have chosen (Steve, Renee, Christine, Cheryl…). Nevertheless, each of these people have become part of my blog/writing family and every one has encouraged me and kept me sane on this path we called life.
1. Rebecca Douglass –
2. Jonathan Curran –
3. Sally Harris –
4. The Light-Bearer, Emily Guido –
5. C B Wentworth –
6. Sue Ann Bowling –
7. Damyanti –
8. Danielle English –
9. Pete Denton –
10. Donna L Sadd –
There are also a batch of people who deserve mentions but don’t blog themselves, particularly Julie White, Gina Cresse and of course, Dawn Cavalieri.
Thank you, everyone, for your support. It means a lot.