Well, here I am at Camp NaNoWriMo, beavering away at my new story. I hope it will turn into the sixth book. Some of my original ‘Victor’s Story’, written three or more years ago, may survive and be included, but most is going to be consigned to the great snippet scrapbook in the sky. It’s hard to say goodbye to it, and even harder when I’m struggling to find a new home for an inn called the Cheeky Parrot. I may yet relocate it, so fans of the cheeky parrots – any cheeky parrots, but I particularly think of Peepers and Tweek – shouldn’t lose hope yet.
I’ll probably give you some excerpts later in the month, but the bad news is that I’m not doing Chuck Wendig’s flash fiction in July. Just to save your disappointment a little, here is an even shorter flash challenge I did for Indie Book of the Day at the end of June. It’s in the class of the Empress and the Peanut or Sir Woebegone and the Dragon, entered in the Fantasy class with a maximum 45 words including the title!
“3,000,001, 3,000,002…”
The dragon stopped counting.
“I have come at the behest of the empress!” the knight announced.
“Bah, empress,” the dragon said, and sneezed.
A smell of roast beef filled the air.
“Where was I?” asked the dragon. “Oh, no! 1, 2, 3…”