Well more or less as soon as I sent my last postcard I went down with a virus that kept me in bed (or at least on the sofa snuggled under a blanket) for three days. Amazing how good the combination of a warm blanket and a cool damp flannel in the head is.
I had some excellent feedback from one of my writing buddies on my proposed plot for Victor’s story – basically that it was an adult theme, not an MG one. So in my feverish nights I went through a whole load of ups and downs about whether to start again from scratch, do it as an adult book, give up writing entirely, just give up Camp, and whether it was time to take another tablet.
The fever broke some time on Sunday and I dragged myself to the doctor on Monday for some antibiotics, and I’ve been back in writing mode since then. I’ve got rid of all the ideas of Victor doing any crime-solving, and I’ve edited what I wrote a few years ago, adding in a lot of other mini-adventures that will mostly tie together nearer the end. I’ve dropped some of the storyline that doesn’t suit the younger audience, and if I find “The Adventures of Victor” are a set of shorter stories, then I’ll just write them as I find them. The goal is 50,000 words. No-one set any rules that it was in one story, as far as I know. But surprisingly, it seems to be coming along better than before. As I’ve said ever since last year, if you get stuck, just keep writing. It’ll come back, and then you can edit out the rubbish later.
I might even have caught up my word-count by this weekend.