The sign-up list for the A to Z Challenge is well and truly OPEN!  Click the badge and pop over to sign up on the linky list.  I’m at number 159 – my highest entry so far!  I must be paying more attention.

My theme this year is the NATO alphabet, and I’ve already mapped out about ten or so of the blog posts.  There’s an entertaining story about my half hour in Lima.  I’ve done some fun haikus for Alpha and Golf.  But most of the posts are still in my head, and I have four books to read and review… so I’d better do a back-up to avoid getting caught by a non-functional blog (since although it’s back and looks ok on the surface, all is not quite right underneath) and get to work again.

It looks like will be blogging from A to Z again this April – you’d better believe it!

A to Z Challenge Sign-ups Open

2 thoughts on “A to Z Challenge Sign-ups Open

  • 26 February, 2014 at 8:42 am

    Hi 🙂 this is my first time in such a challenge. Both the excited and nervous!! NATO alphabets theme sounds so interesting! All the best… Hope we connect thru this challenge!

    • 27 February, 2014 at 3:48 pm

      I’m sure we will 🙂

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