I hope you enjoyed it when I did this hop through August. I thought I’d pick and choose a few further questions whenever I think they’re interesting – but all of October is related to Halloween, which is really not my thing! It’s not big in the UK (or wasn’t until the supermarkets realised what a great opportunity it was to rip people off with some tacky plastic costumes). Enough of my prejudices… here’s today’s question:
What books would you want to read again for the first time?
Following on from a thought I had on series a little while ago, I would like to read Harry Potter now, for the first time. I’d really want to see whether the experience is different when all seven books are out.
It’s such a long time ago that I read Lord of the Rings, I think I’d like to read that now too, for the discovery factor and also to see whether I like it as much as I actually do – as an old friend. I still read LOTR from time to time. It always pleases me.
Having said that, there are a few books I’ve been carrying round in boxes or whatever for years that did seem like I was reading them for the first time when I reread them. Black Beauty and White Fang are just two of those – and I had widely different responses to them. You can check my reviews of these two by clicking on the titles.
What about you?
Now go hopping!
I think it would have to be The Stand, by Stephen King. I thoroughly enjoyed it when I first read it many years ago.
I havent read any Stephen King other than his ‘On Writing’ simply because he’s too scary!
Jemima, you and I have very similar tastes in books we’d like to reread. I enjoyed the Chronicles of Narnia as a child and have reread them as an adult. Puddleglum is still one of my favorite characters. Any of Marguerite Henry’s books – Misty of Chincoteague, Brighty of Grand Canyon – are well worth a reread!
Ah, that reminds me – The Silver Brumby books, too!
I didnt read Narnia till I was an adult.
I’m with you on this one, Jemima! Noelle’s choices are good, too. And I guess maybe any of L.M. Montgomery’s books, given how excited I still get when I track down another collection of her short stories.
From your title, I thought this would be about books I like to re-read. There’s a small pile I go back to again and again, mostly children’s books that do good things for me for various reasons.
Yes, those you re-read over and over again are a different category entirely 🙂