An astounding post on, not only of the sound of Philae landing, but a composite picture of its landing places and final resting place.

Thud of Philae landing on comet

Thud of Philae landing on comet
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5 thoughts on “Thud of Philae landing on comet

  • 23 November, 2014 at 9:45 am

    That was amazing, especially the comments below the recording where they discussed how the sound was actually captured.

  • 23 November, 2014 at 1:19 pm

    This just blows my mind! How far, literally, we have come (gone) in such a short time span!!

  • 24 November, 2014 at 5:07 am

    Yes-I think sometimes about my Grandmother, who at age 8 (in 1908) crossed Washington state in a wagon. And lived to see space travel come (and almost go; she died in 1991). Even the beginnings of the Internet, all in one lifetime.

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