Hi all

I’ve finished my first read-through of The Perihelix and really enjoyed it.  There weren’t as many problems as I thought, but I do feel it needs a punchier opening.  I want to pay more attention to description, too, and include more smells (although I seem to have picked up on that later in the book).

So the next step is to go through and make all those corrections and rewrites.  There are some places where I need to add more detail or explanation, since I confused myself with my plot sometimes (there are quite a few twists), and others where I think I’ve made some assumptions that need to be built into the narrative.  I also want to do some technical notes, which I’ll put on the Viridian website when I’m done – like the description of the Viridian system, its planets, etc.  And my timeline (not for publication).  I like having a timeline in my stories.  Just have to work out how far and fast space ships go!

I started thinking about a blog piece on influences on my universe, too.  Like someone using a carrisack, which I’m sure was a word Anne McCaffrey coined, although perhaps only with one r.  My inter-ship communications seems rather Star Trek inspired.  And maybe I could do a catalogue of all the place names and their cultural origins.  Some of that I’ll need for future books in the series, anyway.

Hope you’re all well, and you Independent folk enjoyed your celebrations while we Brits just drank tea!



PS Took Sunday off to set up Traveler in its new paperback format.  Means I should be able to release the six Princelings paperbacks by the month end, too.  Maybe I should do a blog tour for them.

PPS Chuck offered us some nice randomly generated titles this week for the flash fiction.  I’ll keep them for another time.  I can take time off to read non-SF books, but not write stories, as they interfere with my plotting.

Postcard from camp 7th July
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2 thoughts on “Postcard from camp 7th July

  • 13 July, 2015 at 4:18 pm


    • 13 July, 2015 at 9:09 pm

      Thanks! There’ll be an excerpt on Friday 🙂

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