The prompt for this month’s fiction in fifty words came just as I was playing with the second book in the Viridian series. If you’re keen to be a beta reader of the first book, The Perihelix, and I haven’t sent it to you yet, let me know immediately!
Back to the plot, which is Bruce Gargoyle’s Fiction in Fifty words…. on the theme of A Calculated Risk. I don’t seem to have a title for this, apart from the prompt itself. Reduces risk, I suppose. It’s Lars, the Swede, speaking.
A Calculated Risk
“Ok, let’s get this straight. The chance of returning to the Alpha Quadrant is one in seven million two hundred thousand; the chance of surviving this warp jump is one in seven million one hundred and fifty thousand.
That sounds like fifty thousand chances in our favour then. Let’s go!”
(c) 2015 J M Pett
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