This is my #Fi50 – Fiction in Fifty Words – for November, with the prompt as the title. It’s a Viridian System snippet of Dolores’ backstory, which will make little sense if you haven’t read any of Big Pete and the Swede’s adventures before. You could always try the Viridian System Sampler to catch up!

Check out Bruce Gargoyle’s pages for more information on Fi50 and to take part, since I hope Bruce continues next year.

An Unexpected Arrival

Dolores stiffened as the Pavanian ordered the exit from Viridian space.  She flexed tender muscles; did he beat up his crew, too?

The pilot muttered into his throatmike: the cockpit door opened.

“Your contract is terminated,” said Zito to the glaring Pavanian. “Select the extrasolar option next time.  Come Dolores!”

(c) J M Pett 2015

Reading Challenges

A quick update on my reading challenges: I’m way ahead of my Goodreads target, with just one to go to complete for the year, and pretty well up to date on posting my reviews there, so the Mad Reviewer’s challenge is okay too.  I finally finished Rings of Saturn and posted my review straight onto Goodreads, that takes me to six Local Heroes, I think.  I’m adding Cupcakes vs Brownies to the Oddity Odyssey… review next week!

And I’ve decided to give up reading challenges next year.  Well, maybe.  The big challenge is to get the first forty books off my TBR list. More next month 🙂

turkey-cartoon-holding-sign-gulpHappy Thanksgiving

Finally, I hope all you American friends enjoy your Thanksgiving tomorrow!


#Fi50 – An Unexpected Arrival – and reading challenge round-up
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6 thoughts on “#Fi50 – An Unexpected Arrival – and reading challenge round-up

  • 25 November, 2015 at 1:53 pm

    Thank you for the Thanksgiving wishes, Jemima. There are some things on that menu that I bet your furry friends would love. I am enjoying their posts!
    I had no idea maintaining their health was so intense. We will be having our usual feast with a houseful of friends: turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, turnips, squash, peas, green bean casserole, and cranberry relish. Pies for dessert. Luckily we are sharing the cooking! Warm wishes being sent your way!

    • 25 November, 2015 at 7:41 pm

      Guinea pigs aren’t really intense in the way of care; but they are living longer because of better care & knowledge, and that throws us into geriatric care – the same is happening for dogs and cats. Mine just get more attention than some!

  • 25 November, 2015 at 3:22 pm

    Thanks for the TG wishes. I know we are eating pie, because that’s my job. Beyond that, I have no idea. I’ll eat what’s served and happy to get it!

    I have finally managed one local book! Finished the local history book. A lot like looking through the family album of a fifth cousin. Pretty awful. Still no fiction set in my town. Heck, even I don’t set my books here!

    • 25 November, 2015 at 7:42 pm

      Great job finding the book – and have fun with your pie 🙂

  • 25 November, 2015 at 7:41 pm

    Thank you for the Thanksgiving wishes!

    • 26 November, 2015 at 10:32 am

      Have a good time and love to the furries and featheries – and BW 😉

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