The last Fi50 of the year is due on December 27 with the theme Venturing Forth. This should really come out on Dec 26th, but you can have it now as it’s a seasonal story. I seem to have a fixation on this carol, since I did a version for the Castle Marsh Narrathon last year!
The Page’s Lament
It was all right for him, in his thick knee-length boots and huge fur-lined winter cloak. Carrying all that fuel to the old man who lived a good league away, over by St Agnes’ Fountain, gave me frostbite.
Pages unite! Demand proper winter work-boots and thermal underwear!
© J M Pett 2015
Many thanks to the BookShelf Gargoyle for hosting this very enjoyable flash fiction theme through the year – here’s to next year!
Fun, Jemima! Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas and a nice figgy pudding! We are actually going to have a Christmas pudding!
Have a lovely Christmas, Noelle. See you on the other side!
The union should be getting onto that ASAP! Thanks for being a stalwart player this year 😀
You’re welcome!