Well, here we are, the end of another year.  I have come to the conclusion that the less you do, the faster they go, and this one has seemed quite a long one.  I must get out more, if it proves my theory.  How about a few numbers?

1 – new sport taken up (or at least resumed)

2 – new books published (White Water Landings and BookElves Anthology Volume 2)

3 – beloved guinea pigs gone over the Rainbow Bridge (Hector in July, Colman in September, and Dougall, star of this year’s BookElves story, suddenly just before Christmas)

4 – current version number of the Perihelix draft

5 – books read in the Local Heroes Challenge (I never did get around to fitting in that sixth one)

6 – Princelings books brought out in paperback

9 – books read for the Oddity Odyssey Challenge

12 – #Fi50 flash fiction stories written

18 – giveaways run, either here or on Goodreads

24 – books signed up for in the Mount TBR Reading Challenge 2016

31 – Facebook page Likes for the Viridian System series

39 – Facebook Likes for White Water Landings

42 – ‘full length’ short stories (500 – 5000 words, so excludes Fi50 and excerpts from books)

52 or more – books reviewed in the Mad Reviewer’s Reading Challenge 2015

63 – books read for the Goodreads Reading Challenge 2015

99 – the most views for a ‘normal’ blog post – V is for Voyager

126 – sales of White Water Landings (all formats) since launch in May

211 – Facebook Likes for the BookElves page

239 – blog posts on here this year

255 – current blog followers

267 – according to Goodreads, the average number of pages in the books I’ve read this year

430 – books on my Goodreads TBR list

584 – the largest viewing total of a blog post this year – for the Lucky is Reading Giveaway hop (and flash fiction)

945 – blog posts on this site, having celebrated my five year blogoversary in October

1108 – free downloads this year of The Princelings of the East (book 1) from all sources and countries

1417 – Facebook page Likes for the Princelings of the East

2415 – number of Tweets I’ve tweeted this year

2807 – current number of Twitter followers

15,474 – pages read according to Goodreads

26,443 – words written for the Princelings Book 7 (Chronicles of Willoughby the Narrator)

56,083 – words written for short stories this year

83,198 – current word count for The Perihelix


What does it all mean?

I have no idea, except that it keeps me busy and out of mischief – sometimes I even enjoy it.  White Water Landings sells steadily without me seeming to do much about it.  It doesn’t even get reviews on Amazon, yet it still sells at a realistic price.  Of course, it’s non-fiction, and different rules apply.  I keep saying I’ll do more about it next year, like getting to a few places where people who like planes gather.

I can ‘sell’ the Princelings books free, but making any money from sales seems to be a pipedream.  It’s a difficult genre, and if I’m happy that people are reading them, then I should just continue as I am.

I like writing, and I like writing books and getting them out into the world.  I enjoy writing on the blog.  I like reading enjoyable books and talking about them.  So I think I’m going to have a year of writing, reading the books on my list, and not bothering too much about anything else.  I know the business model for promoting ebooks has changed again, and maybe I should just focus on the Viridian series for a while, and let the rest float out there in the e-waves of space.

The main thing is, my blog is something I enjoy and I hope you do too.  It is meant to entertain in some way, these ramblings of a writer obsessed with her guinea pigs. Whatever the numbers are saying, they contradict each other year on year, so I’m just going to do my thing in 2016, and hope you enjoy it.  Thanks for being part of my world.

Happy New Year!





My Review of the Year
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13 thoughts on “My Review of the Year

  • 30 December, 2015 at 8:03 am

    Some very impressive numbers there Jemima. I hope 2016 sees a big jump in sales of White Water and that the Princeling Books start attracting cash sales for you.
    Happy New Year
    xxx Massive Hugs xxx

    • 30 December, 2015 at 9:36 am

      Thank you, David, and thanks for your constant support. May your year be filled with ease, good fellowship and not too many medical problems (especially of the bureaucratic type).

  • 30 December, 2015 at 11:44 am

    Some day pretty soon I’m going to have to start a blog as well since, as a writer, I need some platform where people can connect with me. It’s good to know that someone as prolific as you is still in the 3-digit range as far as number of followers is concerned. I’ll Know not to give up when my only followers are my kids. 😉

    Have a wonderful 2016, Jemima.

    • 30 December, 2015 at 12:05 pm

      I think the way of ebooks at present means that some sort of additional web presence is essential. How much you do on them is up to you, but as wise people say – it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to blog often, only regularly. I have a couple of authors I follow who blog monthly, and that’s just fine.

      Thanks for following me, anyway, Suzanne, and good luck for 2016 🙂

  • 30 December, 2015 at 2:33 pm

    You had a really busy year, Jemima. The only sad part was the loss of Hector, Coleman and Dougall. I hope no more departures in the coming year. I love Dylan’s posts and your short stories – always something new and interesting! Happy New Year!

    • 30 December, 2015 at 5:03 pm

      Thanks, Noelle. Colman and Hector were no surprise, sad though they were. Dougall’s was a real shock. Not only the speed of his decline (and not knowing what was wrong), but the first time I’d had to make ‘that’ decision. Dylan is taking it hard, but he’s eating ok, and I hope he’ll decide to join up with the others instead of just bossing them about.

      Hope you have a great 2016, and thank you for all your support.

  • 30 December, 2015 at 6:29 pm

    Some very impressive numbers, and an impressive year! I was thinking of doing a similar post, but probably will just do a retrospective on the IWSG–I’m not at home and don’t have a good internet connection, which makes collecting the stats tough. I’m impressed with the amount of blogging you’ve done, in addition to 2 books AND the Bookelves anthology!

    Have a great 2016, and keep yourself and the little guys healthy!

    • 30 December, 2015 at 8:16 pm

      I started out aiming to do less and did much the same as the previous year, but these extras tend to be the ready-made Book Blasts. I’m still aiming to do less next year 🙂

      Glad you’re doing things with family – much more important than blogging – although I aim to get enough scheduled that I can concentrate on writing and editing – oh and reading new books 😉

  • 30 December, 2015 at 6:33 pm

    That’s a lot of numbers – very impressive list. Happy New Year!

    • 30 December, 2015 at 8:17 pm

      Thanks, Anabel. Loving your adventures and looking forward to more virtual tours of my favourite country next year! Happy new year!

    • 30 December, 2015 at 11:14 pm

      Thanks, Patricia – happy new year to you 🙂

  • 2 January, 2016 at 4:36 pm

    Happy 2016, Jemima. You’ve been very busy in 2015. I don’t know how you find the time.
    I’m thinking it will be another busy year for me. My main goals for 2016 are to continue fundraising and raising awareness for childrens Cancer, to redesign my Time Square covers, publish 2 new books (1 MG and 1 YA) and rise from obscurity.

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