Welcome to a new year of the Bookshelf Gargoyle’s Fiction in 50 Challenge. He’s got some cracking prompts set up for us already for the first half of this year, so if you feel like joining in, pop over to his website and get all the information.
My first of the year then is…
Dredging up the Past

Just another day at the oceanography centre. Four hours criss-crossing the estuary, trawling for bottom-living creatures. She sifted through the contents in the white plastic tray. Crab, weed, cucumber.
She hurried to cover it with water, keep it safe.
The find of two point five million centuries.
© J M Pett 2016
#Fi50 – Dredging up the past
It’s not too hard to find bottom-feeders these days…just look to the government! Thanks for playing again 😀
Yeah, but nowhere near so handsome as trilobites 😀
Although, some of ours do look like they’ve been submerged under water for at least a million years
I agree – would much rather have that trilobite. One of the modern descendants of the trilobite is Limulus, the horseshoe crab!
Good story. Lots of excitement in so few words.