Yes, I know it’s Black Friday and all that, but it suited my purposes to bring out the first box set of the Princelings of the East series, Books 1 – 3.

This volume combines the existing three ebooks of the trilogy into one humungous download – three books for the price of one and a half, or thereabouts.  You can still get the Princelings of the East itself permafree on Smashwords, and some, but not all the Amazon stores respect that; others charge 99c equivalent. The second and third books individually are $2.99, so all three at $4.99 is a bargain, and I don’t guarantee it will stay that way.  Of course, it’s all part of my plan for world domination, having learnt it from Lord Mariusz, and the aim is to get you so hooked on the series that you shell out for Traveler in Black and White, and then Talent Seekers, and on through the rest of the series.

On the other hand, I am thinking about bringing out a second box set, of books 4 – 6 in the spring, just in case it encourages more people to get further through the series as book 7, Willoughby the Narrator comes out.

Such a treadmill we’ve made for ourselves, writing all these books!  I talked one of my local friends through the plot of the Princelings of the North (book 8) the other day, since we hadn’t caught up on things bookish since May or so.  Her reaction was very pleasing!  Talking it through was fun; I feel like it’s got a really strong plot.

So what about buying books?  You can get The Princelings of the East Books 1-3

for Kindle, iPad, Nook and Kobo at Smashwords from 25th November

or pre-order it at Apple iTunes **  B&N (Nook) ** Kobo now!

I shall have a peaceful and relaxing day on Thursday.  I wish all my US friends joy having a hectic, stress-inducing family gathering, or just celebrating their independence from a xenophobic, capitalist, environment-wrecking island to the northwest of mainland Europe.  Maybe it didn’t work that well after all.

Let’s give thanks we’re all still here, and hope the world comes to its senses soon.

Launching on Friday – The Princelings Box Set!

6 thoughts on “Launching on Friday – The Princelings Box Set!

  • 21 November, 2016 at 5:25 am

    Great bargain! And brilliant move towards world, or at least word, domination!

    • 22 November, 2016 at 12:15 pm

      Thanks, Patricia – and good luck with Abducted Life. I need to check my schedule to see whether I can feature it for you.

  • 22 November, 2016 at 12:08 pm

    Excellent, Jemima. All the best with this launch.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G

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