Hold onto your hats, there’s another book in The Ninja Librarian series just hit the shelves!  Yippee!

In the unlikely event that you don’t remember, I’ve been raving about The Ninja Librarian ever since he first came to Skunk Corners – in 2013, if he arrived just before I reviewed him.  Then we Return(ed) to Skunk Corners for another excellent episode.  And like me, Rebecca Douglass has taken a little break on her other projects before bringing out the next in the series, and as I was a beta reader, I can tell you I loved it!  It’s like curling up with a log fire and a cup of cocoa – not that Skunk Corners in summer is in need of either – more like an ice house and an un-dry-uppable waterfall.

The Blurb

The Ninja Librarian’s back in town, school’s out, and all’s right with the world…or is it? Big Al may be looking forward to spending her time swimming in the creek and wandering the hills, but Peggy’s looking forward to a life of drudgery. If Al can’t find a way to sway her pa, the brightest kid in Skunk Corners is going to take drastic action.

With a mystery from the past haunting one of the houses and creating the biggest threat yet to the town, Big Al’s going to be kept busy this summer, and not just with practicing her moves for the Ninja Librarian.

My Thoughts

As I said, I was a beta reader, but I’m going to read the final edition before doing my review – which will go straight to Amazon and Goodreads.

It’s hard to say what I like most about this series, because there is so much to enjoy; whether it is the back-of-beyondness of Skunk Corners, which I have such a strong picture of, with dry dusty roads, the equivalent of eucalyptus trees growing tall between the road and the river, which is a wide bed of stones with a tiny trickle of water rambling around in the middle until it disappears altogether in the summer heat.  The cluster of wooden houses, Tess’s bar, which is the centre of society, since the library across the street is still a place of calm contemplation and youngsters surreptitiously enjoying exercising their imagination with nobody around to become aware they can actually read…  And up the hill a way, there are the train tracks, leading from the plains to the east to the dead end city where rule of law is sadly absent – or in the hands of those that should never be allowed to wield it.

And in the midst of it all, teacher-by-default (since nobody else knew how to do the job) Big Al is trying to make sense of her own life and prevent those of her charges from being ruined by the same lack of imagination or freedoms that ruined their parents’.

There’s lots of adventure, plenty of danger, warmth and friendship, and ingenuity.  I love it.

You can buy it today on Amazon, Smashwords, B&N, iTunes and Kobo, as ebooks. It’s coming soon as a paperback from Amazon and Book Depository. And check out Rebecca Douglass’s website for any special offers she’s got for you today!

Book Launch | The Problem with Peggy by Rebecca Douglass
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4 thoughts on “Book Launch | The Problem with Peggy by Rebecca Douglass

  • 28 November, 2016 at 4:05 pm

    Thank you for the very kind words! Yes, there is a special offer at the Ninja Librarian’s own web site!

  • 28 November, 2016 at 9:46 pm

    Congrats, Rebecca! Shared.

    • 29 November, 2016 at 4:18 am


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