May day brings a sense of relief. The AtoZ Challenge is over for another year, and I can get back to more relaxed blogging. Strange that just two more posts a week (in general) should create such extra stress and worry about keeping up.

Mayday is a distress call, of course. M’aidé is the French for ‘help me’. I feel in need of a little help, at least a little more relaxation. The problem for me was that April showered me with extra responsibilities; I became vice-captain for ladies golf in my golf club. That’s ‘Ladies Captain’. Our reorganisation aims to include all members under one captain, but with vice-captains responsible for particular golfing needs and to promote the sport for particular groups. For me, that’s women.
Here we are on May day and I’m feeling a little more in control of things; it was a steep learning curve. It was more pressured because I jumped straight into the competition season and also renewals time. A number of lady members expressed their displeasure at the changes by changing their membership status, which caused angst and confusion. It’s all sorted out now, and we can relax and play golf. I know who is able to play in the inter-club matches; I more or less know how to run the club competitions system, and I can now do it from home, which is a blessing. And to add to all that, I was part of a two-person team representing the club in a national competition! We play our second match on Wednesday, having won the first on 10th April.
Kevin’s tummy bug
So, doing all that is one of my excuses for not being as diligent during the A to Z as I would like. The other was my guinea pig Kevin, who boarfully completed his own A to Z Challenge on George’s Guinea Pig World, despite having a three-week tummy bug. He needed lots of tlc and bathing, and medications and extra feeding, but I was pleased when he started noshing baby corn and banana like they were the best things in his universe. Fingers crossed he keeps his improvement going. Yesterday he celebrated five years since arriving with me, and I wrote the story of that as the flash fiction story Long Way Home last month. I hope he makes it till at least September, when he will beat Colman’s record of seven years old (among my guinea pigs, anyway).
And we’ve launched Willoughby the Narrator at long last! Don’t forget to enter the Giveaway, which closes on 5th May, which is Friday night.
May day is also a holiday in many countries; for some it celebrates ‘the workers’, and for others it’s a celebration of spring. What ever May brings for you, I hope it includes sunshine and flowers, or for my southern hemisphere friends, autumn leaves and mellow fruitfulness 🙂
A leading news item on our national evening broadcast was that people were angry that all the shops were shut today and people had to wait in long queues at the supermarkets that were open to get their groceries. Funny how that happens when the government has just cut penalty rates for retail workers. On Labour Day.
I usually forget that Norfolk is closed on Easter Sunday. London isn’t. It’s a strange shock when you discover these things.
Glad to hear that Arpil’s angst is over and that you can hit the ball again and Kevin is on the mend. I did enjoy their A-Z’s. Percy is darling and I’m looking forward to more posts.
I hope I can hit the ball half-decently tomorrow. I was rubbish last week 🙂 Kevin has his ups and downs. Not sure what’s upsetting him today, since his output seems to be back to near normal at last. He’s off his food again, though. 🙁
Aww, poor Kevin. Glad he’s feeling better. That’s a good excuse for letting the challenge slide a bit.
Thanks, Patricia 🙂
That really was a busy month! Good luck with the golf match.
Thanks, Anabel. Just need more time for a relaxing walk without a ball getting in the way to spoil things!
Congratulations on being chosen as Ladies’ Captain at your golf club, good luck for 10 May and I hope Kevin makes a full recovery.
Thank you very much Kim. 🙂