Kristen Twardowski

I met Kristen Twardowski a little while ago when the Story Reading Ape reblogged one of her amazingly insightful posts.

Then he reblogged another one and I decided to follow her by email.

I don’t know about you, but I like getting emailed posts.  I skip through them, hit the ‘Like’ button (if there is one), and move on.  Or if I’m moved to comment, I comment.  Sometimes I need time to peruse the post in more detail.  Sometimes I think about commenting a while longer.  But unless I like,comment or make a decision not to do either, the blog posts stay on my browser for the rest of the day. If they are still there next morning, I do something and say bye-bye till next time.

Kristen Twardowski’s posts seem to stay around a long time.  They need a lot of thought, mainly because they make me think of so many things that I might comment on, I often don’t comment at all.  They are brilliant, different, educational, stimulating, and really, really interesting.  Here’s a recent selection.  Don’t blame me if you find you just HAVE to add her to your blogging routine.

kristen twardowski blog

A Selection from Kristen Twardowski – A Writer’s Workshop

The previous day’s post about the library at the end of the world was probably the first one I spotted, although Kristen has been blogging since the end of July last year, and the selection above covers less than half her output of the last two months!  You may have found some equally wonderful gems on the internet, but this is one of the most amazing blogs I’ve seen, and I’m really enjoying her take on things.

I hope you enjoy her as much as I do!

Twitter – @KristenTwardow  


Amazon author page


Have you met Kristen Twardowski?
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2 thoughts on “Have you met Kristen Twardowski?

  • 12 June, 2017 at 5:31 pm

    Cool stuff. Thanks for sharing this.

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