TackleTBR is over for another year. It’s been an awesome two weeks and I’m delighted that so many people joined in my Challenge last Monday. The winner of my 21st Page Challenge was… Shash (MomIsReading). You should have an email from me already.
I’ve had a hard time finding time to do everything in my schedule and still make time to read books. So I haven’t done the things I should have done. Life is too short for gardening and housework!
TackleTBR wrap-up
Since Saturday I’ve read 278 more pages to complete my fifth book for the Read-a-thon. That’s as much as I hoped for, and more than expected. Admittedly, I included a short chapter book, but then, it’s relevant for my reading genres.
More importantly, that’s five books off my TBR list, from as early as 2012 through to additions last year. Most also contributed to my other Challenges, as you will see below. Thank you so much, Tressa, and all who contributed to this year’s event.
Books read in TackleTBR 2017
Total books read: 5
Total pages read: 1453
Finished books:
A Siege of Bitterns by Steve Burrows
- Enjoyable murder mystery with plenty of twists, set in North Norfolk, and heavily involving birdwatching and pollution. I’ll look for more in the series.
Kit’s Wilderness by David Almond
- Amazingly evocative and beautifully gritty tale of a thirteen year old boy and some very strange friends.
The Outcast Dead (Ruth Galloway #6) by Elly Griffiths
- Couldn’t put it down. Love this series.
Gasp of the Ghoulish Guinea Pig by Sam Hay
- Highly enjoyable easy reader chapter book. Ideal for pet-lovers!
The Voyages of the Seven by R E Weber
- An enjoyable story, but I felt it could do with a good edit. It’s the second in the series, but I found it easy to pick up the characters and situation. Great world-building!
Reading Challenge update
Since we’re three-quarters of the way through the year, I’ll do an update for all the reading challenges.
Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge
By July I’d done 16. I’ve now done 21. But I have only done 14 for the MG one I do for the Goodreads GMGR group. I have J, L, N, and Z lined up, but I’m considering abandoning X, possibly forever.
Progress: 21 out of 26 letters completed to date
Colour Coded Reading Challenge
There are nine colours (or combos) to include, either in the title or as the principle colour of the cover. I’ve completed them all except the ‘multi-colour’ which I have ear-marked. Oh, no I haven’t – Science and Islam was on my TackleTBR list for this month but I didn’t get to it.
Progress: 7 out of 9 completed so far.
Last update I said “But my TBR has grown to 538, more than thirty new ones…twelve of which were in June. So, no more new books this year!” Yeah, right. I’ve been knocking books off my TBR as well as reading them, and I’m back up to 541 again. There’s no hope for me!
Progress: 27 out of 36. That’s 7 more than last update.
The long-term Challenge – fifty books over ten years, or five a year. I didn’t read my Yellow cover non-fiction book this month, but our bookclub read last month was non-fiction so I added that. I also got a great free book from NASA on the Cassini programme I could whizz through to catch up to this year’s target.
Progress: 4 of 5 for this year.
What an Animal Reading Challenge
I thought this was going to be more difficult this year, so pulled the target back to six. How wrong can one be? This has been so easy for me I won’t do it again. I’ve really enjoyed most of the books, though.
Progress: 12 out of a target of 6.
Wild Goose Chase Reading Challenge
Now, this is a different challenge. Even Bruce Gargoyle was struggling to read a book from each of his seven categories relating to the words wild, goose and chase. We both seemed stalled at four, but I’ve finally managed to complete it with the aid of a SHIP (that sang) and a siege of BITTERNS.
Progress: 7 out of 7 categories. Yippee!
Progress: 47 of 52 books, ten ahead of schedule. I should stop doing reading challenges.
This was an enjoyable challenge. I knocked out 15 books! Some were smallish ebooks but now I’m only 8 behind in my goodreads general challenge of 150 books.
Great work! I can’t do that many. There are some that say if I read fewer books my house and garden might be better tended. I think they’re wrong, but still!
What interesting challenges! Which ones are over and which continue? Is it too late to join one of them? Thanks!
Hi Rae. Of the Reading Challenges that I updated, you’ll have three months with nearly all of them, save for the Non-Fiction Adventure – which is a join-anytime and set-your-own-targets challenge. You can get the details of that from my challenge page. In fact you can get the details of all them them from the drop-down menu under ‘Challenges in the main menu bar (or click the heading in the post).
Congratulations! Well done!
Thanks, Noelle
I’ve wanted to read Kit’s Wilderness for so long but it keeps getting pushed off to the side. Sounds like you had a successful readathon. Me, too. My TBR Challenge
It was far better than the blurb suggests. I enjoyed it far more than I did Skellig, too. In fact after Skellig; I wasn’t convinced I should read more of David Almond’s books, but I really enjoyed this one.
Well done! I haven’t looked at my TBR list lately, and I have read remarkably few books in the last month. I’m 10 behind on my GR challenge, but I upped my challenge number pretty unrealistically high. I noticed that I am also in the middle of no less than 5 books, so I hope my head clears a bit and I can focus on something enough to finish it!
Good luck. Take a week off everything else to clear the reading decks!
Doesn’t it feel so great to meet and even surpass your goals? Way to go!! Thanks for participating and hosting a challenge again too! 🙂
You’re welcome! Thanks for organising it again, Tressa, and have a good year!