The Tree Survey methodology is part of the NWT’s Schools Pack for #30DaysWild.  I see no reason not to do it myself.

tree survey NWT

My Tree Survey

  • My tree is a purple prunus, or ornamental cherry. It’s about the size of two stories and its trunk is just about possible for me to hug.
  • I put a sheet under my tree and shook the branches to see if anything fell out.  It didn’t
  • I didn’t see any insects, but some of the leaves had nibbles or pecks in them
  • There are many visits by baby birds and their parents; blue tits, great tits, a robin, a blackbird, and a chaffinch. They use it as a stopping off post and queueing station for the seed feeder.
  • The lichens seem to be ones that grow in moderately clean to slightly polluted air.
  • Undergrowth around the base might be crowding it.  The grass around the tree is drying out quickly. The tree is using a lot of water, probably because it’s been very windy.

The tree is reasonably healthy but could do with some thinning out of new branches.  I could add some fertiliser around the base. It also needs rain (as does the rest of the garden).


You can do it too! It’s all part of #30DaysWild challenge of June.




My Tree Survey: garden prunus #30DaysWild
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One thought on “My Tree Survey: garden prunus #30DaysWild

  • 20 June, 2018 at 5:47 pm

    That’s cool! My neighborhood is short on trees, alas, but I have a bottle brush bush that’s grown to tree size 😀 And, of course, my 3 apple trees.

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