Insecure Writers Support Group badgePlanning the launch of my next book, audio or ebook: things seem to have changed again. It’s pretty good that I have actually had time to think of such things as marketing.  I suppose part of the reason is that, hm, I haven’t sold many books during lockdown.  People obviously aren’t finding me, my books, or something that hits the spot for them when they search.

The launch for the last in my series

Part of the problem has to be that I’m editing the last of my series, Princelings Revolution. But I’m audio releasing the first.

I know how to handle the message of the first – or do I? In many ways it feels old to me, and probably is (as has been commented) not necessarily a good reflection of the rest of the series.  Certainly looking at my read-through rate, it doesn’t work well.

The read-through rate work came about because the Story Reading Ape shared a post by KindlePreneur, explaining all about it. This didn’t just explain the term, and how to calculate it (don’t go to sleep) but what it means for you if you are pricing your series, and other splendid tips.

I haven’t worked out how to use the information for advertising yet, but it has made me stop letting the first book go free.

I think that advice is past its sell-by date. People may download it, but they don’t seem to read it. In general.

Launching my audiobooks

In truth, I haven’t really launched these at all.  I’ve told a few people about them. And given out some free codes. Four free codes to be precise, which shows that I really am not reaching my audience.  If you’d like a code for the free copy of Princelings of the East on audio, let me know.

triple banner Princelings audiobooks

Back to work on my marketing

If I want to get things going, I think I need to go back to square one on my marketing.

I need to make a plan. And execute it in a timely manner.

Check the Basics

It’s a while since I did my Amazon Author page.

  • Is it right for the times?
  • Ditto my Goodreads page.
  • And for that matter, my blog and websites need an overhaul. ( I did the blog last week, what do you think?)

If you’ve got some new tips for a book launch, and especially for a last in the series, please let me know.

This month’s IWSG

… is brought to you by the wonderful Alex J Cavanaugh and…

Pat Garcia,

J.Q. Rose,

and Natalie Aguirre!

and the question of the month is….

Writers have secrets! What are one or two of yours, something readers would never know from your work?

Um… I have a few secrets that regular readers of my blog might have worked out. But I don’t think I have any secrets as a writer. I’m sure most people could guess what I think are secrets anyway!

Mind you, I gave away one of my secrets on Damyanti Biswas’s blog last week, in the comments. If you’re really interested, you could check that out!

30 Days Wild

I’m doing something wild every day in June. Today, I’ll encourage you to take another look at the Osprey-cam I posted last month.  The eggs are hatching! The first chick (known as bobbleheads or bobs, apparently) emerged last weekend and the second on Monday, I think.

osprey-cam Loch Arkaig



#IWSG | Planning the launch of Princelings Revolution

13 thoughts on “#IWSG | Planning the launch of Princelings Revolution

  • 3 June, 2020 at 10:49 am

    Many thanks for the shout out, Jemima – I’m looking forward to reading Princelings Revolution when it becomes available 🤗

  • 3 June, 2020 at 3:54 pm

    Two months ago I got into audio books because my writing coach recommended one to me. I tried it and fell in love with audible books. I still like to read but audible books give me a chance to diversify especially when I want to spoil myself and be read too.
    Please send me a code for the audible book Princeling of the East. I have read the book but now would like to see if the book can still draw my attention when it is read to me.
    Wishing you a wonderful month of June and thanks for being a part of IWSG.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

    • 3 June, 2020 at 6:42 pm

      Sent to your email address, Pat. Let me know if it doesn’t arrive.

    • 3 June, 2020 at 6:47 pm

      I have to put a date in for listing it with the online suppliers. On Smashwords it’s listed for 1st October, which is a bit early, but if the cover and pictures are ready, then we’ll go. I’ve had all the beta comments back bar one, so I’m working on the (thankfully very small) changes needed!

      That made me check the kindle pre-listing, which I haven’t done yet. I should be able to put that up for the same date now. 🙂

      • 3 June, 2020 at 7:12 pm

        It’s now on KDP too (same date), so will appear on Amazon stores that show my pre-orders, for the same date. The Amazon price listed is more than the Smashwords (iTunes, B&N, Kobo and more), but gives them discount room.

  • 3 June, 2020 at 7:50 pm

    I looked at the info on read-through and decided I didn’t want to know. Not that I can’t see that I sell far fewer of the books down the line. I’m also aware that my first book was… a first book. I’m thinking I might start a new series, now that I know more about the craft (plus: starting to get the itch to create a new place).

    • 3 June, 2020 at 7:56 pm

      Yes. I think the final book will be for the dedicated reader, and will sell most of its copies in the first three weeks!

      A new series sounds like a good idea, as long as JJ is well settled with you know who. 😉

      • 3 June, 2020 at 9:34 pm

        Yeah. I was figuring on one more book after the one I’m currently working on. Now I’m not quite sure.

  • 4 June, 2020 at 3:26 pm

    Launching in this time is a problem! Going through it now – I’m sending out postcards!

  • 6 June, 2020 at 1:15 am

    Good luck with the book launch. I have to say that I love the title. Sounds interesting!

  • 16 June, 2020 at 2:27 am

    I like your amended About on this blog – all those tempting rabbit holes or warrens.

    Remind me where you live in Norfolk – having lived in Norwich for a few years which I loved.

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