random acts of wildness

A Wild Weekend was the suggestion from the Wildlife Trusts.  Whatever you do, make it wild.  Plenty of ideas for sleeping out, watching the solstice dawn at Stonehenge (via Facebook). Virtual quizzes.  Wild cooking… I didn’t check that out in detail but it looked more like a campfire instead of barbecue and not much else different.

My Wild Weekend

  • I got on with reading my book, Meadowland, which I’ll review on Saturday. I’m learning a lot from it. And enjoying it.
  • I painted three-quarters of the walls that needed painting. My wrist hurts, so I’ll do the rest tomorrow or Tuesday.
  • I kept an eye on the weather, and brought the boys in fifteen minutes before it rained.
  • I decided to make a wild corner of the upper garden and put the other wildflowers in that.
  • I went shopping at B&Q.  B&Q is a sustainability-conscious organisation that sells products for the home… DIY products. Replacing two halogen lights with LED ones (that’s climate friendly), buying a test pot of paint to help me repeat the pattern on the wallpaper. I’m calling that upcycling, since I havent stripped the wallpaper off, I’ve painted the bare bit of wall the same colour, and now I’m playing games with the pattern!  I also picked up a brochure on doors. I can’t think of anything wildlife about that.
  • I didn’t sleep out.

All in all, not a very wild weekend.



Not so Wild Weekend #30DaysWild
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One thought on “Not so Wild Weekend #30DaysWild

  • 21 June, 2020 at 9:55 pm

    Not too wild here, either. It’s turned hot hot hot and being outside after 8 or 9 a.m. is just no fun. So I’ve been out for exercise early, then staying inside. I’d hoped to spend a couple of nights in the mountains, but it’s hot up there, too, so I’m being totally not green and huddling in the AC. I have been pulling a few invasive weeds in the veggie garden and flower beds 🙂

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