spacetimereadsSpacetimereads usually gets first billing in my Reading Challenge updates since I host that.  I hope everyone who signed up for it is getting on well.  I meant to take a spin round you at the end of June, but couldnt find the first one I looked for and then something else happened and… well, you know the feeling.

Spacetime Reads

Let’s start of with Space time reads then.  I’m at 6 now, so I’ve got the minimum five to make it past the level below.  That means I’m on course to achieve Interstellar traveller, but not a good show at all.  Could do better!

How are all the rest of you doing?

My other Reading Challenges

I have balanced the Mount TBR and Alphabet Soup ones up a little, although I still let too many newly published books via Netgalley get in the way.  I may allow myself to count the Spacetimereads books in the Alphabet Soup challenge as well (and Mount TBR if eligible)

Non-Fiction Adventure: I’m one short of the ‘hard’ target, which is to read seven in total this year. I’ve recently read Humankind, Vesper Flights, and the Stephen Hawking Memoir. Waiting on the Kindle are A Year of Living Simply (which might go into the Alphabet Soup), and The Light Ages; all these came from Netgalley. I must start reading those books on the shelf!

2020 New Release Challenge: I have no trouble with this. Over the summer I’ve listed several new books in  the Alphabet Soup or Non-Fiction Challenge lists.  I am not going to do this challenge next year as it’s pointless.  Maybe I’ll drop down a few new books as a result, but I doubt it.

alphabet soup 2020Alphabet Soup: I am up to sixteen, but I should have nineteen by now. Need a big push for the end of the year, although I have identified titles or authors to list for all the letters except X.  Now there’s a surprise! .

Cloak and Dagger Challenge: unlike last year, when I wasn’t doing it and completed it easily, this year I’m struggling. I’ve now got five on the list, thanks to a scifi crime novel, and it’s a ‘5 to 15’ target.

Mt TBR Challenge 2019Colour Coded Reading Challenge: I’m not signed up for this, but I have read many colourful covers already and have put them up (not counting my Mount TBR rule).

Mount TBR: It was going so well… but I’ve only added five in the last quarter, and am only at the two-thirds point. That leaves me with a lot to read over Christmas (which is usually a good time of year for me to catch up on books already in the house)

Goodreads target:  only three books behind schedule on my Goodreads target which is better than I was in July. I caught up a bit in September once all the work for the launch was done, though. Maybe I shouldn’t do stretch targets when I have books coming out on a tight timetable.


#Spacetimereads and other Reading Challenges – Third Quarter

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