Another June! They seem to come round so quickly. I’ve been taking part in the UK Wildlife Trusts’ awareness raiser #30DaysWild for some time now. This is what’s planned for 2021.
Another June of Wild Writing
The plan is to write wild whenever I can. So my Writephotos will have a wildlife theme. My WEP is already written, and it isn’t wild. Wet, but not wild. Sorry. Watch out for it on the 16th anyway!
My book reviews are a mixed bag. This year I forgot about wild when I put the schedule together. At least this coming week is about fantasy animals, and one later is a solar system book.
Climate connections
If you missed last weekend’s book review, it was called Finding Sustainability. The author runs a plastic business, and writes about his efforts to reduce the amount of plastic waste he’s responsible for. I’m using that as a prompt to look into my plastic recycling — which is nowhere near as well served here in Hampshire as it was in Norfolk. I’m planning to research what I can do with things that aren’t obviously recyclable, including avoid buying them in the first place. Watch out for my report on the plastic I’ve used in May.
I think addressing climate change issues is a valid link for 30Days Wild. Plastic is a major problem for wildlife, after all. Another issue that directly affects our climates and habitats is energy use. I’m attending a week’s conference from 7th to 11th, with lectures all day every day! I’ll try to give you some thoughts and ideas about developments in the energy efficiency policy field– especially about the concept of energy sufficiency… more of which later.
Places, animals, birds…
As usual I will be going out at looking at nature, whether public places or my own garden. I’ll try to get to some places that are new to me: most places in my new area are new to me! I may have been here over fifteen months, but most of that has been with restricted movement!
My first report will be on my visit to Selborne, the village where the celebrated Natural Historian Gilbert White wrote about his observations in the eighteenth century. I riffled through the biography of him by Richard Mabey the other evening, to remind myself of some of the details: it must have been 2008 when I read it, as there’s bookmark in it with a voucher for a magazine dated that year. It wasn’t even on my Goodreads list–but it is now!
There’ll probably also be an update on my wild garden– which has been under water for much of the spring, as it’s a natural drainage area.
Bird ID courses
I did a three part course on Identifying Bird Songs and Calls last month, so I may report on my experiences after that. I promptly signed up for a Seabird Ecology course later this month. This does not include gulls, so I hope I can find some interesting birds to show you on my nearest seashore. I don’t even know where my nearest seashore is, so come exploring with me.
Another June Book Launch
The third of my Flash Fiction books is out on June 10th; Time and Tinplate. There’s a little clifi (climate science fiction) in it, but not much else wild, except a few tempers. More about that next week.
I hope you can come and visit, and find out what I’m doing for #30DaysWild. I know you like mysteries – and so do I!
That’s an ambitious programme! The plastics thing is funny, why don’t all councils recycle the same stuff? Glasgow is very specific – bottles only – whereas Renfrewshire where mum lives tales food trays, yoghurt pots etc. So I save all mine to take to her. Fortunately she doesn’t generate much waste, so there’s always room in her bin.
Yes, that’s like Hampshire vs Norfolk. I know the answer is it depends on the Facility they take their stuff to, and also the degree of ‘saleability’ of the recycled goods. And that’s a big issue at present, since China stopped accepting other countries’ waste. But we should still be pressurising them to take more stuff and find outlets for them – even by building them instead of third runways…
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