What am I doing in 2022?
I’m writing an IWSG post, of course.

This is my Insecure Writers Support Group post, in which we share our successes and failures as writers, our insecurities, in fact. Anyone can join in, just sign up at the IWSG Sign-up page, write a blog post on the first Wednesday of the month, and go back to that sign up page to link with everyone else–or a goodly sample. Our host is Alex J Cavanaugh, and cohosting this month are:
Question of the Month
What’s the one thing about your writing career you regret the most? Were you able to overcome it?
I regret not starting sooner. That’s about the only thing.
But I didn’t start sooner because I was writing factual things: manuals, reports, papers. The idea of characters and plot didn’t really enter my head after a first abortive attempt.
If I had spent more time developing my writing, would I have had enough time to do everything else I now have the knowledge and experience to write about? I doubt it.
It’s what I find troublesome about a lot of young writers, especially when they talk about the way an old person struggles up hills and to move around the house–at age 50 (or even 30, I saw recently!) They’ll learn, if they live that long.
Was I able to overcome my late start? I leave you to judge!
What am I doing in 2022?
I wrote the title for this post before Christmas, thinking I’d give you a run-down of goodies planned, book-wise or not.
I have a major birthday in 2022. When I opened this draft post and read the question again, it was almost rhetorical–what on earth am I doing in 2022 already? Is it time travel? How did it get to be 2022 already? This is when I have to renew my driving licence, which I originally got in 1969. Yes, I passed my test first time. Good thing really, as the following week I broke my collar bone and that would have put paid to the driving test had they been the other way round. Funny the cards life deals you.
But… I do have plans for 2022, apart from a birthday party, which has plans A to H at present, due to the various possibilities of social gatherings with and without Covid policies interfering.
- Plan A is the working scenario, under current rules, with a tea party for a maximum of thirty guests in the place I’d like it. That will provide my nearest and dearest with a nice day out and I’ll see my oldest friends. I’ve sent ‘advance warnings’ to the people I’d really like there. 28 couples. You can see the maths isn’t working already. Fortunately four have already confessed to having other commitments for the relevant day, so they won’t get formal invitations. Sigh.
- Plan H is a glass of champagne in my back garden with whoever is allowed in under any isolation rules. Plus the guinea pigs, who don’t drink champagne, but will have their own cake (made of soaked feed pellets).
- Somewhere in the middle is a buffet tea party with as many guests as can come. I think this is the least likely scenario. We will not be Covid-free by June.
What am I working on for 2022?
Ah, yes, writing.
- February – launch Zanzibar’s Rings
- March through to August – book stall at craft & gift fairs
- April – first draft of new book
- August – first draft of another book
- In between – short stories, including some for submission to anthology calls
- Afterwards – editing
I’ll be reviewing the book stall plan in August, which is when I’ll have to renew my insurance if I want to continue.
That’ll give me enough to do, I think.
Join the Zanzibar’s Rings Virtual Book Tour: Feb 15 – Mar 15 2022

Have a good year, and keep safe.

You have some awesome plans for the coming year, and like all of us, you have built in flexibility. best of luck and I hope you are able to celebrate your birthday in style!
I have learned that flexibility in planning is the most important thing 🙂 Good luck with your plans!
Wow. You’re going to be busy. I haven’t even made a plan for this year.
Well, I call it a plan… but really it’s something put on here after I scribbled on the back of an envelope 🙂 Keep well, and love to you and the family.
I hope you get to celebrate your special birthday. I’d be glad to shout out about your book in my Follower News in February or March. Email me at natalieiaguirre7@gmail.com if you’d like the help.
Thanks, Natalie, and I’ll send you the details soon.
Most of us do regret not starting sooner, but sometimes starting when we did was the right timing.
Awesome you have your plans laid out already.
To be honest, my plans sort of write themselves 🙂
I don’t so much wish I’d started sooner, as that I’d learned sooner how to make time for creativity during the “busy years” (grad school and the time with small children). Okay, and looking back I wish I hadn’t sent some of the things I did out to agents in those years 😄
Ah, yes, the things we sent to agents. But I think if I’d sent out better copy, it would have had the same result. I knew it wasn’t commercial enough in the first place. Still do, for that matter.
You have a busy, optimistic year planned! I’d opt for Champagne for the party no matter how you end up celebrating! And a special cake for the furbabies? So adorable.
I’m lucky to have an optimistic nature, which contrasts with my bouts of depression. So far I’ve kept the latter at bay thanks to a few tips on cognitive behaviour, so looking towards good things is part of the overall plan.
Awesome plans. Your regret is the same as mine – I started writing very, very late!
But we started! What if we hadn’t? We wouldn’t have ‘met’ and that would have been dreadful!
Birthdays are always fun. I hope you’ll have a wonderful one, and all your best plans come true.
Thanks, Olga. I’ve written a bit of an essay on your blog – very interesting observations you had!
Sounds like a lot of fun planned for 2022! I hope it all works out.
The Warrior Muse
Hi Jemima – you have got things organised … just enjoy all the writing, promotions and planning for more writing in the future … cheers Hilary
A broken collarbone? ouch! Hope you mend soon.
Unfortunately, we will never be free of covid. It has become endemic, like the flu. We have to learn to live with it and get back to normal. Hopefully the mild Omicron variant will give people immunity without causing severe disease.
Best of luck for 2022.
Oh no, that was in 1969, Melissa 🙂 It is wonky, but fine. And I think you’re right – the new ‘normal’ is upon us.
Looks like you have a busy year planned ahead of you! All the best with this new year, Jemima.
And to you, Damyanti – you have a great year!
Congrats on your upcoming book. I didn’t see a link to help with release day.
I’ll email you, Patricia 🙂
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