Train is the prompt for 1st January. You may notice it’s Jan 2nd already, so I’m catching up with a two in one jotting.
Just Jot It January is by Linda Hill (with help from her friends). You can jot something down for the prompt anywhere, any time, just post it on your blog before the end of the month (so it seems). You can read the full instructions here.

Train – Jan 1st
This is linked back to Linda Hill’s blog post for the day.
Instant thoughts on ‘train’…
Yes, New Year’s Resolutions. Many involve the word ‘train’. I must train, after losing lots of weight last year. Because I didn’t get enough exercise, I lost lots of muscle mass too. I’ve done a lot of exercise training in my life. The idea puts me off. My physio gave me exercises to do to help my knees. They were so easy I could do them any time I thought of them, in bed, mostly. And wow – my knees are vastly improved. (Reminds self to do these exercises next time I think of them.)
The trouble is, I don’t make time for training any more. It’s best if I do it spontaneously, every day. So, as there was a great piece of music on the radio, I stood up and danced to it. I built in several steps, lots of arm swinging, and some of my knee exercises. I did it for quite a bit of the music, and then decided it was enough for today. Breathing faster & deeper: check. Smiling: check.
And I just want to get fit enough to be able to do my bird surveys in April. That only needs me to walk 2 km. At present I can just about walk around the block to the house that mine backs onto, to deliver their Christmas Card.
Starting from a low base, then 😀
Gregorian – Jan 2nd
Link back to Willowdot’s post. It’s all her fault I got into this.
Having read Willow’s post on Gregorian chant, I couldn’t think of anything else.
I loved singing this at school. The notes and connections are slightly different from your average classical music. And I loved the patterns the music sheet made, although I remember it much more complex than this bit–like Morse, but different.
This is from Youtube, from the Graduale project — for description.
Hi Jemima welcome I am so pleased to see you here. I do love a Gregorian chant…
So do a lot of people 💜💜
This sounds like a fun way to get motivated for a lot of things–including blogging. Good luck with the fitness training. I like your approach to it. Dancing can be a heck of a work-out!
I must admit my first thought about train was transport! My doctor also gave me knee exercises which I never remember to do. He suggested wearing a rubber band round my wrist and twanging it every time I realise I have forgotten. As if that would help!