Xtraterrestrials is a post I wrote for the 2018 A to Z. I did a lot of work on it, then suddenly there was so much news about exoplanets, that I did that instead. This post on extraterrestrials never saw
Xtraterrestrials #AtoZChallenge

Xtraterrestrials is a post I wrote for the 2018 A to Z. I did a lot of work on it, then suddenly there was so much news about exoplanets, that I did that instead. This post on extraterrestrials never saw
Forging Ahead is this month’s prompt for the Fiction in Fifty words meme that Rebecca and I continue to plug on with, in hope that some other people will join us. It’s really good to have to craft a fifty
Taking Turns is September’s prompt for Fiction in Fifty Words. I enjoy this micro fiction challenge, and you can join in. It’s much easier than haiku! Although I might start doing those again. For full details see Rebecca’s page on
August has been an odd month over here. July thunderstorms continued through August with rain in the west and dry in the east – until last week, when it hit the east as well. We’re talking UK weather, of course.
Countdown is this month’s prompt in the Fiction in Fifty Words meme. Rebecca Douglass organises this, so join in any time you like. The year’s prompts are listed, together with the minimal instructions, on her page here. This is the
‘eXactly’ replaces the post I’d already done for this year’s X of the AtoZ Challenge. In fact, I’d replaced it last year, too. Maybe it will finally surface in 2020. Since that was also an eX cheat (as was last
Whenever is this month’s prompt for Fiction in Fifty words. You can join in. Just go to Rebecca Douglass’s page for the prompts of the month (the whole year is displayed for you, just in case you want to get
No More Hearts and Flowers was a prompt I came up with for Fi50 (actually I submitted it for the February WEP but 28 days won)! In the post-Valentines days of February, I hope you don’t identify too much with
Icy Fingers is the prompt for today’s Fi50, or the Fiction in fifty words meme. I’m hoping more people will join in, since fifty words stories are fun to write. Rebecca is away, so I don’t suppose she’ll be posting
‘My Family is So Weird’ is the prompt for today’s Fiction in Fifty Words Fi50. I found this more difficult that a single or double-word prompt, maybe because it was a complete sentence. Nevertheless there were plenty of ways to
Horror, not surprisingly, is the prompt for this month’s Fiction in Fifty words. Fi50 was invented by Bruce Gargoyle, but is now administered by Rebecca Douglass at the Ninja Librarian. Just click over there to sign up for the meme
Empty Nest is the prompt for this month’s Fiction in 50 words #Fi50 flash fiction. This monthly challenge was the brainchild of Bruce Gargoyle, but is now continued by the Ninja Librarian herself, Rebecca Douglass. You can get all the
The Rifles Are Calling, and I Must Go is the title provided for this month’s Fiction in Fifty Words #Fi50. This exciting 50 word microfiction is managed by Rebecca Douglass on her blog, and you can join in. Actually, this
On the Road is this month’s fiction in fifty words prompt. Fi50, or fiction in fifty words, is the ultimate in flash fiction. Get the whole story into fifty words, and make sure your reader’s imagination fills in all the rest.
Read a Wild Book was one of my aims this month. I mainly read The Saffron Trail, which was fairly wild, but not what I had in mind for a wild book. My BTO magazine this month had some more