TackleTBR 2017 is off and running. If you missed my advance warning in August you can read all about this Readathon there. In May I did the Clean Sweep ARC to get some of those new releases off my shelf.
Down the TBR Hole: reducing my reading list – part 1
Down the TBR Hole is something that started last November, when Lia at Lost in a Story started filtering her TBR list. I keep seeing other bloggers joining in – the latest one to spur me into it was J
Time to read #CleanSweepARC Update
Finding time to read: you remember I started the month with the announcement I was doing the Clean Sweep ARC Challenge again this month? I thought you might like to know how it’s going at the end of week 3.
Clean Sweep ARC Challenge – may the fourth be with me #cleansweepARC
The Clean Sweep ARC Challenge runs throughout May and it’s one I look forward to each year. I should have posted Monday, but was too wrapped up in my own problems. Now I’ve got an excuse to post on May
Book Blogger Hop – Unfinished business?
I had a fair number of topics I could rant, scream, or enter an alternate but sane reality with today, so I decided the best thing was to go back to an old favourite, aiming for the last Friday of
#TackleTBR – Roundup post
Once again, I enjoyed my Tackle TBR event, and got through the books I’d planned to read. I added Holding to the list when I started so well, but I expected my cataract operation on my right eye to stop
The dreaded DNF
How many books do you not finish each year? I seem to go through phases; I don’t know whether it’s what I’m reading or how I feel about the book and other things I have to do. Sometimes the book
Shelfari is closing … so what?
Shelfari is Amazon’s original reader platform – keep a list of your TBRs, share with others, comment, etc. I don’t know whether Amazon bought it from someone else in the relatively distant past, but they have announced that on 16th
How do you choose your next book?
I had a small window in my time away from the computer the other day, and thought, I know, I’ll pick up a book. I had three listed on my panel at the side (I’d finished a crime mystery the
Local Heroes Reading Challenge February Update
This is my second Challenge update, and I’ve read another book towards my Local Heroes target of 6 – the Uncommon Reader. Well, some of the action took place in my county, and that’s all that counts! If you’ve already
Local Heroes Reading Challenge January Update
This is my first Challenge update, and I’ve read one book towards my Local Heroes target of 6. That was Never Let Me Go, which I reviewed a week or so ago, and as I said there, it may be
Reading Challenges for 2015
You may have noticed that all the badges and counters for reading challenges have disappeared from the sidebar. Less obviously, there’s a new page called “Challenges” in the menu at the top left. As I say on that page, I’ve
Enter the Local Heroes Reading Challenge 2015 HERE
A couple of weeks ago I launched a new READING CHALLENGE for 2015. Every last Wednesday of the month, for the next twelve months, I’ll be doing an update post – for participants to report in how they’re doing and
Local Heroes Reading Challenge 2015
Today I’m launching a new READING CHALLENGE for 2015. It’s open to young readers and adults alike, although I trust my adult readers will restrain themselves from adding totally unsuitable books for children in their posts (although I will be