About the Book Title: The Search for the Stone of Excalibur (The Chronicles of the Stone, Book 2) | Author: Fiona Ingram | Publication Date: October 6, 2014 | Publisher: The Educational Publisher / Biblio Publishing | Pages: 376 |
Book Review| The Secret of the Sacred Scarab by Fiona Ingram
This is a cracking adventure story for younger readers by one of my fellow BookElves, Fiona Ingram. Adam and Justin manage to get leave from school to go with their aunt to Egypt – provided they tell their classes about
Book Review & Giveaway | BookElves Anthology Vol. 1
Seven stories, seven situations threatening the festivities. Will the holidays be a disaster? Will families be left out in the cold? Will there be tears before bedtime, or will there be happy endings all round? The MG BookElves group brings
Holiday Adventure Quest Book Blast
This Book Blast is brought to you courtesy of Adventure Quest Books. Answer the hero’s call to adventure and enjoy more tales, legends and myths from the ancient and medieval worlds for MG and YA readers. About the Books The
Book Blast: The Secret of the Sacred Scarab by Fiona Ingram
I’m a little late with the Book Blast for this title, but the giveaway is still live, so I hope Renee and Fiona don’t mind too much. It’s one I’ve been looking forward to reading for some time, and I