The Gallery is a bit of balderdash that set Pete, the Swede, and their women off on a wild goose chase across the universe which eventually became The Perihelix. And I wrote it ten years ago! The fact that it’s
Flash Fiction Friday | A Perihelix Extract
With everything that’s going on at the moment, I really can’t get my head around Chuck’s challenges. I decided to give you another taster from near the start of The Perihelix, starring my asteroid miners, Big Pete and the Swede.
Postcard from Camp (1)
Dear all I arrived safely and met some of the others. There are lots of us in the cabin this year, mostly ‘older’ writers which is what I wanted. Some haven’t done much yet, and most seem to have a
Friday Flash Fiction – The Gallery
Chuck Wendig was a little late with his challenge this week, but fortunately I read the brief and thought of something pretty much straight away. “The borderlands expire thanks to the hundred violins.” “A poetic pattern retains inertia.” “The criminal
Flash Fiction Friday: Orichalcum Slinger
This week we are invited to invent our own cocktail (and give the recipe), then write a short story tied to the cocktail in some way. Any genre, 2000 words. So this story contains alcohol and mild abuse of it.
Friday Flash Fiction: The Orichalcum Library
“Easy. All you have to do is randomize a title from the two columns,” said Chuck Wendig. Then he gave us two numbered lists, I got my random number generator working, and drew 7 & 3 to give me “Orichalcum