My first quarter update is only slightly late! The SpaceTime Reading challenge is for reading addicts who want to try space scifi and timetravel genres for the first time, as well as hardened scifi addicts. I keep my list on
Reading Challenge Catch-up #spacetimereads and #AtoZChallenge Road Trip
This is my Road trip post and my quarterly catch-up for the Spacetime reading challenge. Which is nearly six weeks late. Sorry about that. I’ve been writing a spacetime book instead of reading them, and yes, I forgot. SpaceTime Catch-up
SpaceTime Reading Challenge | Spring update #spacetimereads
Spring update time for my SpaceTime Reading Challenge. We’ve been going for three months, so you should be one quarter of the way towards your challenge target. Yes. One quarter. When I realised this first update was due, I had
October update for SpaceTime Reading Challenge
The October update replaces a third quarter update for the SpaceTime Reading Challenge. The SpaceTime Readers I hope all of you who signed up are doing well, and keeping your own updates going. I really hope to get round to
Reading Challenge update | Three-quarters through!
Three-quarters through the year, and I’m so busy I forgot to do my reading challenge update. Many thanks to Cheryl Mahoney for reminding me. I know I’m not doing nearly as well as her. Three-quarters assessment in a nutshell Goodreads
Reading Challenge Round-up – first quarter 2018
My reading challenges are already one quarter of the way through. Three months has flown by, but I have read a lot of books: Goodreads tells me it’s now 16 and I’m five ahead of schedule. I’m not sure how