He Knew He was Right is subtitled ‘the irrepressible life of James Lovelock’. I discovered James Lovelock’s theory of Gaia over 20 years ago, and although I acquired several of his books, never actually got around to reading them. I
Book Review | The Other Einstein by Marie Benedict
This was a book that floated across my ‘recommended’ selection on Netgalley, and the blurb intrigued me. I’d never much thought about Einstein having a wife (in fact he had two), and although he was one of the most celebrated scientists
Halley’s Comet
Halley’s Comet is one of the most famous of all, partly because it is featured on the Bayeux tapestry. It’s the most easily visible of the short-period comets, i.e. ones that come back fairly often, in Halley’s case every 75-76