Xtraterrestrials is a post I wrote for the 2018 A to Z. I did a lot of work on it, then suddenly there was so much news about exoplanets, that I did that instead. This post on extraterrestrials never saw
April’s #Fi50 Flash Fiction | Hours of Fun
I’ve had hours of fun with the April Fi50. Yes, It’s May, not April. It’s May the fourth. I usually give you the Star Wars greeting, but today it’s just Fi50. Fiction in Fifty Words is, as you well know,
Friday Flash Fiction | Balancing the Buks
A Star Wars meets Minecraft challenge. Hm. How about we go back to my last Star Wars meets… It was June 2013, nobody liked it or commented on it, and I had forgotten the detail, yet it remains one of
This week’s flash fiction challenge from Chuck Wendig is a mashup of two films out of a list of twenty. I think it’s pretty obvious which two films I drew. It’s a bit long; but last week’s was short –