Fisherman – a good prompt for #30DaysWild, too. I used to live by a river with loads of linked reservoirs around as part of the flood defences; it was a fisher’s paradise. Several of my friends fished, and my immediate
E for Existence – memory and tribute #AtoZChallenge2021
Existence. Something we take for granted, maybe. Certainly when we are younger. I remember I used to run a personal skills course for a company I did interpersonal skills training for. It’s a laugh, really; I used to be really
Another star in the heavens… RIP Sue Vincent
Sue Vincent 14th September 1958 – 29th March 2021 R.I.P
Carrying The Fire | #writephoto continues
KL Caley at New 2 Writing is carrying the fire — taking on the #writephoto weekly photoprompt, devised and run by Sue Vincent for over 5 years. Of course we miss Sue’s input, but she said on her blog announcement:
Memory | Haiku #writephoto from 2020
Memory was the #writephoto prompt from 27 February 2020. Last week I hoped Sue’s eyes would improve to enable her to blog again. This week she wrote what she thought would be her Last Post, since the failing eye is
Returning | Haiku #writephoto from January
Returning was the returning writephoto challenge from Sue Vincent in January. I caught up with the second one. Now Sue is having eye trouble and has had to skip blogging for a while till that’s sorted. I know how close
Haiku | Deeper – for this week’s #writephoto
Deeper and deeper into the mire of work backlog… it’s WEP week, so I wasn’t ready to do a second flash fiction in response to Sue Vincent’s #writephoto prompt. Apart from the WEP flash fiction for Wednesday, which I’ve been
Flash Fiction | Appointed #writephoto @SCVincent
Appointed is today’s #writephoto prompt, courtesy of Sue Vincent. This crow sitting on top of a tree reminded me of something I wrote several years ago to the title Crow of Nine-World, but that is no longer on the blog,
Flash Fiction | Guarded #writephoto
Guarded is today’s #writephoto prompt, with the photo below, and I’m pleased to say it is a 2021 one! Sue Vincent is providing prompts as long as she can, so it has spurred me on through a little non-writing spell.
Wednesday #writephoto | Entrance
Entrance, a #writephoto prompt, succeeded the first one I did last year. Hopefully, I can fill in last year’s gaps with stories this year, until Sue Vincent returns to full strength. I write that in hope, but Sue’s post last
Thursday #writephoto | Afar
Afar: the photo prompt from this time last year in Sue Vincent’s #writephoto meme. A chance remark from a friend started this one off. Another friend fostered a greyhound during the first lockdown here in England, and yet another friend
Thursday #writephoto | Calling
Thursday #writephoto is the inspiration of Sue Vincent. Each week Sue posted a picture with a prompt and invited bloggers to make what they would of it – whether in poetry, prose or some other way. This is now on
#writephoto early September | Serenity
This beautiful writephoto is the prompt for a blog item relating to Serenity. Writephoto is the brainchild of Sue Vincent, to whom I am very grateful for the reminder to get writing regularly again! The picture took me straight to
#writephoto Late August | Crescent
A crescent moon provides the prompt for this week’s #writephoto offering. This is a rising moon in the photo below, although this week we have a setting crescent moon sinking below the shadow of the tree opposite my front window!
#writephoto for early August | Fantasy
Early August! Already a week gone, and I’m feeling so much more settled now. I’m even back into a routine of writing and work. Too much work, though, with all the moving paperwork I’ve been putting off: secondary address changes