Still was this week’s #writephoto prompt from Sue Vincent in 2020. It was my first writephoto; I planned to do one a month, and ended up doing them weekly till my hands went just over a year ago (is it
Flashback Fiction #writephoto | Still waters

Still was this week’s #writephoto prompt from Sue Vincent in 2020. It was my first writephoto; I planned to do one a month, and ended up doing them weekly till my hands went just over a year ago (is it
Treehouse, the prompt from KL Caley for #writephoto, brought me inspiration today, I’m very pleased to say. And my hands felt well enough to type, even after a busy craft fair at Salisbury on Saturday. The steroid injection in my
The Scandalous Confessions of Lydia Bennet, Witch seems to me to be suitable review matter for Halloween weekend! This is another book which caught my eye on Netgalley. So many of them seem just the same as each other. This
The Shadow of the Witchfinder – book 15 in Wendy Leighton-Porter’s marvellous Shadows from the Past series. 15, you ask? Well, since the last one I reviewed Wendy has inserted Max’s novellas into the sequence. That means I have not
Still is this week’s #writephoto prompt from Sue Vincent. I’m really pleased I remembered my aim to do these once a month. I’m also aiming to do my story in 200 words. Here’s the photo: Very pretty! I wanted to
A Pinch of Magic is new release, which I received from the publisher via Net-Galley. The blurb looked interesting, although I disliked all the gushing quotes from other authors included on Goodreads – which I have left out here. For
Castle Hangnail is the GMGR Book of the Month selection for October, Halloween month. I’m very grateful to the Amazon resellers for getting a copy to me in time. It arrived around 12, I started it at 3.30, and finished
Witch Week caught my eye as I was browsing the mobile library shelves. The GMGR and other book of the month choices eluded me, so I hunted for something else that fell into the categories MG and suitable for Halloween