Is there life after the Viridian System series? What might I write next?

Two new projects in development may reach publication in 2023, one for older children and this one:

ssers life after the viridian

The SSERS project

Alex Radacanu turned up in my head in response to a call for the IWSG submissions on the theme of Dark Matter. In fact she didn’t have a surname then, and I borrowed a new GB tennis star’s name (with a vowel change) when I decided she could rescue Dolores.

The idea of the Second Sector Emergency Rescue Service came to me when watching an advert for an automobile rescue service, attending a breakdown for the crew of Red Dwarf.

It’s too early to say whether this is another series or a standalone, but I’m toying with ideas along the scifi-mystery continuum, and we’ll see what happens when I get writing.

As this is based in the same world as the Viridian System, I’ll probably report on it in the Viridian website.

SSERS – Life after the Viridian System?

One thought on “SSERS – Life after the Viridian System?

  • 14 June, 2022 at 9:58 pm

    I see something very interesting brewing here! 😀


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