It’s interesting, all this marketing through social media (Facebook, Twitter etc).  I have joined Twitter just for Jemima, and use Facebook for my private friends, family and interests.  But I also have a Facebook page for the Princelings of the East, which is public.

I set up this site so that it published my blog posts direct to Twitter.  But then I learned a bit about hashtags, which  means using the # in front of a keyword so that you can link with other people or tweets using the same ones.  Which is why my last post put the # in front of words in the title, as my posts here were not tweeting as I’d like them to.  Now I’ve worked out that if I disconnect the automatic twitter feed so that this post does not get posted to Twitter unless I do it myself (with the button at the bottom of the post) I can control the information better.  The blog posts look better here, too!

The other thing I realised yesterday, is that my Facebook posts on Princelings get forwarded straight to Twitter too.  I don’t remember setting that up, but now I know, I’ll think about how I say things on Facebook too.

Everything is connected.  Make sure you know what is connected where or else you can get in a bit of a mess.

Learning about social media
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