A sight before dawn:

Venus, Jupiter and Moon

All close together!

After what is called a conjunction of Venus and Jupiter in mid August – when objects appear to be very close together in the sky even though they are millions of miles apart, we were treated to the sight of the two planets plus the waning crescent moon just before sunrise – closest together on August 23rd.  I missed the conjunction because of cloud, but despite covered skies the night before the morning brought a splendid view, once Venus had emerged from the trees nearby!

Venus, Jupiter and Moon darker jmpett 230814[In the picture Venus is just above the left tree, Jupiter 45 degrees upwards just above level with the moon  click this thumbnail for a bigger view]

Tuesday haiku – planets
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3 thoughts on “Tuesday haiku – planets

  • 26 August, 2014 at 2:02 pm

    Thanks for showing me this! I can’t see this where I am because of all the trees. Maybe if I found some local farmland to occupy for an evening?

    • 26 August, 2014 at 10:19 pm

      I know what you mean. This one was an early morning view. Sometimes I have to go out of the village and up onto the hill, especially if it’s something in the west. 🙂

  • 27 August, 2014 at 5:20 pm

    I knew this was happening, but a) it’s usually foggy here, morning noon or night, and b) before dawn I really really only want to be seeing the inside of my eyelids (that’s already a fading desire, as the sun rises later but the alarm goes off at 6:13 a.m. anyway) (no, I don’t know why 6:13 instead of 6:10 or 6:15. Probably just where I stopped pushing the little “set” button. Close enough).

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