Greetings, one and all, welcome, welcome!

Here we are for the great and amazing Theme Reveal Blogfest, where hundreds of people unleash their plans for the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge.  And this year my theme is…

Natural Phenomena

I’d like to make that jump about and dance at you, but frankly, I haven’t got the time 🙂

I’m in the middle of preparing my new book for publication, and scheduling the blog posts for here, and helping Dylan and Kevin with their blog posts on George’s Guinea Pig World – they’re revealing their theme today too, so please pop over and greet them (they can be a bit shy with strangers, so be calm and kindly with them).

So, what on earth does Natural Phenomena mean?  Being a bit of an earth sciences geek (and that includes space science) I’ve decided to pick something that is just an amazing (to me) bit of nature.  And I’ll try to fit in my Flash Fiction Friday with the appropriate words, and maybe a bit of book reviewing on Saturdays too.  There’ll be things to look at in the skies, on your next walk, to do on the internet or just spot when you next see a nature programme on tv.

Here are a few clues:

I hope you enjoy the ride.

And now… nip back to the A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal page to hop to someone else on the list – it’s too long a list for me to include, I’m afraid!


(photo credits: NASA for the Mars mapping, and probably Halley’s Comet, others are mine.  Full credits on the post of the day)

A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal Blogfest
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44 thoughts on “A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal Blogfest

  • 23 March, 2015 at 11:07 am

    This is a really interesting theme Jemima. Natural phenomenon have always amazed me. Looking forward to an ‘illuminating’ month 🙂

  • 23 March, 2015 at 2:11 pm

    Oooo,thanks for the clue here,natural phenomenon in our environment i believe.Look forward to you.
    Happy AZing

    • 23 March, 2015 at 2:23 pm

      well, some of the environments may be out of this world, but yes 🙂

  • 23 March, 2015 at 3:17 pm

    Lots of range here, from the wonderous (comets, eclipses, ainbows, waterfalls) to the terrifying (earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes). I’m looking forward to what you do with it!

    • 23 March, 2015 at 6:57 pm

      Hm, I think I’ve got two of those…. and 24 others 😀

  • 23 March, 2015 at 3:57 pm

    Great theme! Ours should go well together 🙂

  • 23 March, 2015 at 5:17 pm

    I love this theme – I’ll be able to share it with my daughters too. Let the fun begin! 😀

    • 23 March, 2015 at 7:00 pm

      I occasionally have a warning at the start of a post if there is anything… smelly … involved 😉

  • 23 March, 2015 at 5:31 pm

    Nature is an amazing and wondrous world. I look forward to your posts! 🙂

    • 23 March, 2015 at 10:35 pm

      Thanks, Anabel – I’m looking forward to your Glasgow, too 🙂

  • 23 March, 2015 at 11:47 pm

    Nice theme! I am sure it will be full of pretty things 🙂 Happy A to Z!

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    Multicolored Diary – Epics from A to Z
    MopDog – The crazy thing about Hungarians…

    • 24 March, 2015 at 9:52 am

      Oh, yes!! 😀 I hope you have a great time too, Csenge. Sorry I couldn’t help out, but you can see why in today’s post!

  • 24 March, 2015 at 4:52 pm

    Great idea! Looking forward to it!

  • 24 March, 2015 at 10:27 pm

    Fantastic! I think this will be lots of fun to read 🙂

  • 25 March, 2015 at 3:39 pm

    I love this theme! I found you through Alex Hurst’s theme reveal and it immediately caught my eye. Your picture teaser is a great idea also—I’ll have to keep that in mind for A-Z next year.

    • 25 March, 2015 at 4:37 pm

      That list Alex posted was a super idea. So glad you found me!

      • 25 March, 2015 at 5:28 pm

        Definitely a great idea!

  • 25 March, 2015 at 5:49 pm

    Sounds great in a marvelously dangerous and intriguing way, Jemima. I will certainly be looking for your posts.

    • 27 March, 2015 at 9:45 am

      Thanks, Silvia! Looking forward to yours, too 🙂

  • 25 March, 2015 at 8:59 pm

    Hi Jemima!
    Your theme sounds delightful and educational! And I’m sure there are going to be GREAT visuals accompanying the posts.
    I also saw your blog mentioned on Alex Hurst’s Theme Reveal Round-Up post.
    I’ll see you around on the A to Z circuit! 🙂
    Writer In Transit

  • 26 March, 2015 at 4:54 am

    You do sound busy! Your theme is an interesting one too! I remember your ones from last year with the alphabet of letters that I’m having trouble remembering what they are called but I remember reading some of them and enjoying them!


    • 27 March, 2015 at 9:47 am

      NATO phonetic alphabet – yes, that was fun (and slightly easier, I think). Time has sped away since January, and I am way behind on my scheduling posts schedule! We’re okay for the first week, thoguh!

  • 28 March, 2015 at 5:29 pm

    Great idea for the a-z. I look forward to the images and your impressions. I’m way behind too. Up to to “P” on Inventions for Women, but doing better than last year. Hope to see next week.

    • 31 March, 2015 at 9:32 pm

      Thanks, Cait. The big day is about to dawn and I haven’t visited more than a dozen theme revealers. I’m a failure already!

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