I’m very grateful to the BookShelf Gargoyle for once again giving me the opportunity to review my year in book titles. I hope this is funny enough to help you over your seasonal party excesses 🙂
You can copy and paste these prompts (as I did) and add suitable titles of books you’ve read…. just give Bruce Gargoyle some credit for them!
So far, I would describe this year as being: In the Shadows of the Mosquito Constellation
I’m tipping that the next big thing in Reality TV shows will be: Deadly Games
I could have cried when: Rounding the Mark
I would love to have some respite from: The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents
The most unexpected thing that happened this year involved: Turtle Feathers
My non-bookish friends would say I: Escape from the Past
My motto for 2016 will be: Never Let Me Go
I am most looking forward to: Surviving the Fall
A recurring dream I’ve had this year features: Death in a Dacron Sail
If you looked under my couch you would see: The Shadow of Camelot
If I could no longer blog, I would probably pursue a career in: The Rings of Saturn
Something most people don’t know about me is: Looking for Trouble
In reality you were just away for, White Water Landings.
xxx Massive Hugs xxx
Very good! 😀