We’re halfway through October, and so far I’ve managed to keep up with the Inktober challenge of a daily pen & ink sketch.
If you follow me on Twitter you may have seen them, although I realise that the early ones didn’t get the usual @jemima_pett tag so I can only see them on my home page and don’t know if anyone saw or retweeted them! You can see them all on the Pinterest board – the link is on the right, but if you look at the Princelings website link it gives them somewhat larger – nearly the same as the board itself. If you want them larger still, look through the Princelings Facebook page!
Sunday’s was the last one for Willoughby the Narrator. In July, I gave you the excerpt that happens immediately before this, the last chapter, so it’s bit of a spoiler! I like it, though.

So, if that’s the last of the chapter illustrations for Willoughby, (and yes, there are only sixteen – I’m re-using three from the past, for good reasons) how am I going to finish Inktober?
Well, there are the chapter illustrations for The Princelings of the North that need to be done. Even if the chapters change, I reckon they’ll come in handy. At present there are seventeen chapters (and a Prologue which probably doesn’t need a new sketch), so it’s a good thing there are only 15 days left in October. And unlike some of the other books, these nearly all want full landscapes with castles at different angles, rather than objects, which Talent Seekers had. Ah, well, it keeps me out of mischief!
This is the first new one, my offering for Inktober day 17.

If you want to see a real artist at work though, check out my wonderful cover illustrator, Danielle English at Kanizo art (Twitter, Facebook).
If you use WordPress, do you realise you can get your twitter name added when somebody tweets your blog posts? Go to settings>sharing, and scroll down. Near the bottom there’s a box to add your twitter handle(address). Don’t forget to save the page before you leave!
I haven’t found an option to do that with Blogger – if anyone knows, please leave the instructions in the comments!
These are so charming, Jemima. Remind me of the original drawings in the Chronicles of Narnia.
Thank you, Noelle – I’ve never seen those. They may not be great art, but they’re mine!