A Change in the Weather is this month’s prompt from Bruce Gargoyle in his Fiction in Fifty (Fi50) meme. You can join in this fun communal story-telling any time you like. Bruce posts his own offering next Monday, and then you link up to his (which is why I like to have mine out earlier)’
I thought this was wholly appropriate for today, the summer solstice – and I’m posting at 04:24, too. I was very tempted to go to Winterton beach, watch the sun rise, than nap for a bit and start my bird survey at 06:15. The forecast isn’t too good, though.
In fact the big day at Stonehenge is Midsummer Day 24th June. The 21st is when the Earth is furthest from the Sun, and the axial tilt gives the northern hemisphere its longest day. It’s not, however, the earliest sunrise, which this year was a few days ago. Druids… can’t trust them to get anything right.
A Change in the weather
The sun would rise at 4.24. Summer solstice.
As she sat waiting among the dunes, she remembered five years earlier, at Stonehenge.
No need for a raincoat now. No more tears. No more lonely nights with him lying next to her.
Dawn broke.
Then the sun rose above the horizon.
© J M Pett 2017
Picture of Winterton Beach c 6.30 am.
Nice! I really like that.
See, I knew there was a reason I hadn’t read yours til today. It was our shortest day of the year, so clearly I ran out of time. Not sure why we bother calling winter winter over here because it isn’t. We should just call it “less-sweaty summer” or “pre-spring”. Thanks for joining in again!