Other writers and bloggers inspire me, so I thought I should give them due deference in my A to Z Challenge this year.
Inspiration comes in different ways: sometimes it’s the topic a blogger picks, sometimes (often) it’s the struggles they go through which resonate with you. The revelations about the writing process that we give and get through the Insecure Writers Support Group are inspirational in themselves.
Other writers – inspiration or support?
It might be that other writers don’t inspire, except for their tales of overcoming problems which make mine look trivial, just to get their stories out. One of the dangers of reading other writers is that you unintentionally pick up story or plot inspirations, and then it turns into a kind of plagiarism quite unintentionally. That’s one reason I steer away from reading science fiction, on the whole.
Inspirational writers online that I follow include:
Patricia Lynne: Patricia writes great YA books, which is not my scene, but I admire her work. She also has a number of health issues which she overcomes to blog and write. She’s very active, and driven, and definitely an inspiration!
Jennifer Ellis: Jennifer rarely blogs, and when she does it’s a long post full of thoughtful information about writing, or the way of the world and how it affects her work. And I love her work. She’s one of those who has wisely decided to stop blogging to write, but I expect she’ll be back when the next book’s out.
Damyanti Biswas: there can’t be many A to Zers who haven’t heard of Damyanti. If you haven’t this is your chance to pop over and see her. Damyanti writes seriously, and gets amazing guest bloggers to post about writing, often professionals who give good advice about techniques and the business of books. And if she’s doing short stories for the A to Z this year – well, they are seriously clever. 🙂
Nicholas Rossis: Nicholas writes great fantasy, but he also blogs about managing the ever-changing Amazon scene. How to list your books, what’s going on with scamming; the latest trends… he’s always on it (and the Story Reading Ape usually reblogs him).
Other bloggers
Other bloggers inspire me for the same reasons, but without the danger of being influenced by their story lines. Some of them write inspirational posts on the process of writing, others are just inspirational by the topic they choose and the energy they impart from their blog to my brain. Some of these also write books, but don’t generally blog about writing.
David Prosser: David writes about the daily grind. In (sometimes gruesome) detail. It’s fascinating, even the trips on the bus to the chemist and whether he’s taken his medications or not. He’s a lovely man and is a true inspiration.
Vidya Sury: Vidya puts the IN into inspiration. She talks about Gratitude and Mindfulness and, like Damyanti, joins in a Circle of Gratitude each month which just doesn’t fit with my blog’s schedule. I met her through Damyanti and the A to Z and I’m very grateful. And Vidya collects smiles… so go and smile at her! (Note: I hope April is much better than March was for you, Vidya <3 )
Noelle Granger: Noelle talks about all sorts of interesting things, and occasionally gives us marvellous insights into American colonial history. She writes cozy mysteries, and lets slips all sorts of interesting titbits about how she came to find out that… whatever the evidence was. In fact, she’s a mine of information!
Susan Uttendorfsky: If it wasn’t for the Story Reading Ape I would never have found Susan. She writes a superb editing series, which in itself is inspirational, and beats all the other editing blogs hands down. The Ape trawls the internet for inspirational and informational posts. And funny ones. He’s well worth following.
Anabel Marsh: Anabel is the Glasgow Gallivanter. She travels the world and takes her camera (and usually her husband). That’s inspirational enough for me.
So there are some favourites of mine. Apologies to other regular visitors and visited I’ve left out, but it won’t stop me visiting you!
Who inspires you? Name names!
I love Damyanti’s blog too 🙂 Great selection — I’ll have to check some of them out.
Thanks, Ronel
You’re an absolute Sweetie Jemima. Thanks so much for the mention. The cheque is in the post.
xxx Hugs Galore xxx
You know I don’t take cheques any more 🙂
xxx non-TSB hugs xxx
I inspire you? Awwwwwww, thanks. *squishy hug* ^____________^
And gentle hug back!!
Some of these are new to me. I’ll have to check them out.
I hope you enjoy them, Kristin
I follow several of those blogs, but unfortunately through Blogger, not via email. I notice that the blogs I actually visit regularly are the ones where I get email notices! I’m going to check out some of those I don’t follow.
Of course, I get inspiration from you, among others 🙂
Oh thank you! You know, I almost didn’t read this because there are a few O posts at the top of my feed and we’re already onto P so I thought i’d better skip them. Fortunately I thought better of it. Thanks again for the mention.
You’re welcome!
What a lovely last, Jemima! Eager to visit David’s blog, and the others’ too.
Thank you for the lovely mention! 💕 Hugs! So happy we are connected!
I am so glad a grateful that I met you, Vidya 🙂
Thanks so much for mentioning me, my dear! I am just catching up with my email, now that my book is finally with Create Space. You are a good blogging buddy!
Hugs to you and the furry critters…
Well done for getting Death in a Mudflat out! I’m looking forward to reading it 🙂