SciFi and Fantasy books for 99c
Look out this weekend for over 60 science fiction and fantasy books by indie authors all for 99c (99p in UK) on Amazon (and usually elsewhere, too).
These include The Perihelix, the first in my Viridian System series. This is a great chance for you to get the revised edition, if you haven’t already!
Among the books on offer there are science fiction novels for younger readers which include titles beginning with X and U — just in case you’re doing an A to Z reading challenge!
Please check the price before you buy, especially if you’re not in the US or UK!
Categories this weekend
Space Opera Military Science Fiction Cyberpunk Earth-based Science Fiction Dystopian/post-apocalyptic Adventure Science Fiction Time Travel Epic Fantasy Historical Fantasy Urban Fantasy Fairytale/folk tale retellings Humorous SF/F Horror Religious SF/F SF/F for younger readers Science Fiction Romance Paranormal Romance Fantasy Romance Steampunk Superheroes
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Reduced prices only this weekend.