fi50Horror, not surprisingly, is the prompt for this month’s Fiction in Fifty words.

Fi50 was invented by Bruce Gargoyle, but is now administered by Rebecca Douglass at the Ninja Librarian. Just click over there to sign up for the meme and to get the prompts for the rest of the year. There is a nasty rumour that Rebecca needs someone to take this one on for next year, due to her other commitments.  I’d encourage someone else to pick it up, or I’ll feel obliged to, and I’m already overstretched!

Yes, I’m doing short stories because I’m stuck with my editing again!  In fact, I wrote this one to the prompt of horror before I did last week’s, to the theme Deja Vu or Voodoo.  You could compare the two if you like, but of course both are for the horror of Halloween.  Personally I like the fifty word one better 🙂


Of all the expressions on my mother’s face, I never liked her ‘look of horror’. 

When she lay on her bed staring at me while I tried to rearrange her features into some other expression, I finally understood what the phrase rigor mortis meant. After I’d taken the knife out.

© J M Pett 2018


Happy Halloween.

#Fi50 for October | Horror
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