Achievements of 2018 and Targets for 2019.  It’s obligatory, really.  And it’s going to be bullet-point mainly, with links to other places for more detail.

All I can add is that I’ve been working really hard over Christmas to get books finished, both reading and writing.  My brother’s staying with me now, so if it’s not done, it’ll have to wait till next year.  Yes, I’ll get to work on them on Wednesday!

Achievements in 2018



Targets for 2019


  • publish Curved Space to Corsair
  • write and edit Chronicles of Marsh (Princelings #9)
  • write Princelings Revolution (Princelings #10)
  • first draft of Zanzibar’s Rings (Viridian #3)
  • submit short stories to at least three external competitions/calls
  • enter all six WEP-IWSG flash fiction events


  • Goodreads target 52
  • Reading challenges:
  • Keep the TBR list well below the Read list!

That’s interesting, since doing 16 New Release books and 36 on my  Mount TBR since before the start of 2019 equals 52, which is my Goodreads target. So every book has to be either new, or on my TBR now, and count towards at least one other challenge!

I’m a little disappointed to lose the Cloak and Dagger and Finishing the Series Challenges, and I might still add them back in.  After all, they all help to achieve the Mount TBR, the Alphabet Soup and the Colour Coded challenges.

That’s it for 2018

Thank you for reading my blog in 2018.  I hope you’ll come back for more blogging in 2019 – starting on Wednesday with the IWSG post!

Happy new year… or at least as happy as the mad politicians will let us be.  Good luck and health to you and your loved ones.





Achievements and Targets – the great round-up
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