A Heaven for Toasters was, I’m sure, a special offer from Nicholas C Rossis, who writes fun science fiction and the whole Pearseus series, which I have yet to start.  It’s scifi light, and this is a romance. It’s futuristic, but not space-based, so doesn’t help me with my Spacetime Reading Challenge. It did however, cut it for the Cloak and Dagger Challenge!

heaven for toastersA Heaven for Toasters

by Nicholas C Rossis

Detective Mika Pensive has a new partner. He’s hot. Smart. Funny. And an android.

Set in the near future, A Heaven for Toasters is more than a sci-fi crime adventure with plenty of romance and wit. It’s the book that will make you look at your toaster in a whole new way.

My Review

After some initial bewilderment, I settled into this story with a grin and a hot Kindle. So hot I only stopped because it needed recharging.

Nicholas Rossis takes us from a futuristic US crime scene to a sort of conserved Greek island, only it isn’t really. A large part of the island is made over to the guy who owns it, who made his millions through cloning.  Yes, cloning is big business in the future, so much that the powers that be banned it, or set such rigorous rules about it that it might as well be banned.  And the technical status of thinking androids or clones is … questioned.

This aspect of the world building is mind-blowingly complex and exceedingly well done. You know I like it when my science fiction has very broad science applications, not just physics and engineering but sociology, philosophy and genetics too.  The physical aspects of the world are also done well.  Not surprisingly, since he lives on a Greek island, the author does Greek islands beautifully!

The story and plot has enough twists and turns to keep me entertained and turning pages. The characters come across very well, especially the ones who are clones – who knew clones would have such different personalities?

add to goodreads buttonAnd as for toasters – well, you’ll have to read about how hot they are, and then you’ll understand how much I’d like one! Even if you’re not a scifi fan, or a romance fan, or even a crime fan, you’ll like this – I promise!

[bctt tweet=”‘After some initial bewilderment, I settled into this story with a grin and a hot Kindle. So hot I only stopped because it needed recharging.’ A HEAVEN FOR TOASTERS by Nicholas C Rossis #scifi #crime #romance ” username=”jemima_pett”]

Book Review | A Heaven for Toasters
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3 thoughts on “Book Review | A Heaven for Toasters

  • 15 November, 2020 at 5:41 am

    A tantalizing review!

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