Haiku is a Japanese verse form. Apparently there are lots of different verse forms, and I came across a list of them somewhere recently, but I’ll have to search to find it again.
Haiku in my books
I’ve been doing them on my blog since I was writing The Talent Seekers, which must be 2103 or so. I even included a haiku in the White Horse Castle narrathon in the book.
Humphrey is a naive, introverted, gentle soul who has been attracted to White Horse Castle because he can hear them saying things he likes. He has a talent for hearing things said a very long way away, almost telepathy. And he loves stories — he may be the Storyteller in the Messenger Misadventures, which came out yesterday. So he comes to White Horse Castle to listen to the narrathon. And that is the start of some very evil business indeed. Get the Talent Seekers on Amazon and other online retailers.
….and now for Newborns, my #writephoto entry this week
Writephoto is announced each Thursday midday UK time, on New2writing.com, by KL Caley. This week’s picture is….
Communal birthing Support from your flock and friends... The newborn arrives!
#amwriting update
After getting past my first critical event in the book on Wednesday, yesterday was a bit of a slog. Keep putting one word after another, that’s my motto. See the progress bar in the footer below 🙂
This is the perfect haiku for photo prompt Jemima💜
Haiku and pic both so beuatiful
Here from AtoZ https://poojapriyamvada.blogspot.com/2021/04/hitoritabi-newnormal-a2z.html
Awww what a lovely positive haiku. Congratulations on your progress too. Your progress bar widget is a great idea too.
Thank you for joining in the https://new2writing.wordpress.com/2021/04/08/writephoto-newborns/ challenge. KL <3
Great haiku and such a cute, wonderful picture of new life!