Check-in for half-year – where did those six months go? Well, I’ve read a lot of books, although I slowed down in June, too much else going on, and not enough sitting in the garden in my lounger, guarding the guinea pigs from predators. And reading!

Overall, I’m still way ahead of my Goodreads target, at 38 of 52 books, although since May I’ve been thirteen books ahead of schedule!



This is the most important, as I run it! I seem to have difficulty finding scifi that really fits the space-time definition at present, although I slipped CD Gallant-Kings’ Butt Monkeys in as it involved space travel and time dilation, even if the heroes didn’t exactly do either. Besides it got me to the half-way point with my own goal of Interstellar Explorer! I’m also considering whether Shadow of the Great Fire can go in. The Shadows from the Past series are mild time travel, but this one has more discussion on the issues involved in time travelling…

How are you doing? I’ll be around to check-in…

Quick check-in

  • Alphabet Soup – I only have seven to go. The difficult ones…
  • Non-Fiction Reading Adventure – I’ve done the five for 2022, but 2 were added last December. I can read more, and either give myself a stretch target of another five, or just carry them forward to next year. It’s a ten-year challenge, and its flexible. I’m one ahead already.
  • Mount TBR – I’m over halfway, but an awful lot of the ones I’ve read were added in the last three months of last year, so not exactly lingering on my TBR. I’m working on it.
2022 Finishing the series

Finishing the Series

This is complicated, as I have a target of five series to finish or catch up with, some of which have as many as five books to catch up on. Some of these didn’t get on my TBR list until December, as well (although some titles get on as soon as the release date is announced).

  • Completed – two series (one with 2 books, one with five titles I’ve read this year but includes novellas).
  • Nearly finished – two series have one book left to catch up.
  • To reach the goal, I need to get on with one more series – minimum two books, maximum five.

So my check-in looks like I’m about halfway through this challenge, too. Although it’s very flexible 🙂

How are you getting on with your reading challenges? Especially that TBR!

Reading Challenges 2022 – half-year check-in

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